come to Philly sometime ... any sport ...
come to Philly sometime ... any sport ...
You may be right about the Spurs.
I still say the Spurs are the outlier. I’m sure they have bad fans (There are some bad people in Texas), but they seem to keep their shit tight. The Spurs have won 1/4 of the last 20 titles, and God help me, I don't hate them.
It’s fascinating to me how we try to rationalize jealousy. We hate the Patriots because they’re robotic. We hate the Yankees because they’re the Evil Empire. We hate the Cardinals because they “play the right way.” We hate the Warriors because their fans are “tech bros.”
Ray Ratto?? What are you doing slumming on a site like this? You should be somewhere sipping mai tais and yelling at clouds.
(Nice piece, though. I agree... I’m all hated out on the Pats. The NFL as a whole is mostly irrelevant to me.)
NFL games are TV shows first and games second. So it’s about generating drama, not so much getting every call exactly right. Both games this weekend had awful, game-changing errors by the officials, but if people want every play and penalty to be reviewable, the games will be unwatchable. Holding occurs somewhere on…
From my D&D days I know that nothing kills the fun faster than a Rules Lawyer and that’s what all these stoppages and reviews feel like.
This is actually what annoys me the most about the time and energy we devote to NFL replays: We’re breaking down slow-motion tape from every angle and wringing our hands about how to bring these very precise judgments to what is essentially a random number generator. There are penalties on every play. There is chaos…
I really don’t like the rule where both teams don’t get the opportunity to take the field during overtime. A team can respond if the opposing team takes a field goal, but they can’t respond with a touchdown if the other teams scores seven?
Non transferable tickets with names that have to match IDs or be for kids.
I suppose the key point is that you never say, “Sure, we will do that.”
You’re clearly doing it wrong. Engineers are supposed to say, “I cannae do it, it’s impossible.” And then you do it anyway in half the time.
The quotes in the R&T article didn’t seem to suggest this was a pop and go solution. Rather, if you were building a race car and were going to add brake ducts, etc., these fake vents are the suggested places to apply the sawzall.
I thought you had good taste.
Readers: Do you think this article will work?
Torch: It would take a miracle.
It’s really cool and normal how this country loves guns, guns are great, we need guns everywhere, more guns in schools, teachers gotta have guns, but also if you put someone’s name on a gun, or you take a picture of yourself with a gun, or pull out a gun, you’re committing crimes and threatening people’s lives. That…
(•_•) / ( •_•)>⌐☆-☆ / (⌐☆_☆)
yeah bitch, star and move on
1. Prehaps! I’m’ve was to make football often times. Play? Know. Best football results twice again.
Here is some little questions to ask yourself: