
Every creative work is revised as it goes. That’s basic to how creation works. There’s a saying that the first draft is always terrible, that it’s through revision and editing that you make it good. There’s also a saying that “Art is never finished, only abandoned.” Every movie, every book, every TV episode, every

Is he alive or dead?

Schrödnienger’s Nunb.

Is it that obvious I haven’t moved on.

You hide your bitterness well. 

Yeah Fox, let’s bring back Firefly, but only if you show the episodes out of order, give it a shit time slot, provide zero marketing and eventually pull the plug on it because deep down inside you actually hate the show from day one. Let’s do that again.

I’m confused. Whether you think this is a bad analogy or not, it’s not hard to understand. Facebook is Galadriel, and the ring is the power to decide which ads are ok and which should be banned. They’re saying that they can idealize that they’re police the ads in a beneficial way, but they can see how it’s going to be

“Let the past die, kill it if you have to.” That was the takeaway from The Last Jedi

Am I the only one who doesn’t care about Broom Boy? It was a neat throwaway moment, but about as consequential as having Harley Keener appear at the end of Endgame.

Does nobody understand that aging and development differs froms species to species? They literally even said that in like episode 2.

The headline was, ‘Trump with the toilets, toilets.’ That’s all they want. They don’t even mention the, so I didn’t mention that, okay? I go off the record.

I read that whole quote. I’m pretty sure I lost 10 IQ points as a result.

LOL at anyone continuing to give JJ directorial or producer roles on any movie.

If we’re going to outlaw “OK” then we sure as shit need to also get rid of “Fine” 

My inadvertent solution to this is to have mobile connection that loads so slowly I’m through the article before the ads pop up. They just look like blank spaces to me. 

I don’t have a 6-year old daughter and I’m seeing the same thing. Programmatic marketing fail.

It go so bad I turned on my adblocker addin. I got a message from the site saying something to the effect. “We noticed you are blocking ads, if you really like us, please remove the blocker so we can make money”. Yeah, I would but not when you Ricky Bobby your site and sell all possible ad space including the

My ads are... different

Reality: One of the biggest misconceptions in astronomy is that people think the Hubble Space Telescope actually goes to the places it photographs.”

Set up a few stands at popular tourist destinations around the country, and you’re set for life.