United States of Bonerland

I really hope that Top Gun Maverick eviscerates this film in a manner similar as Maverick taking out those enemy planes.

By the way, and I know the following is petty and on a level I usually don’t stoop to with films, but I really hope that Top Gun Maverick eviscerates this film in a manner similar as Maverick taking out those enemy planes.

velociraptors that can be directed by a laser pointer

“Rumor has it that Spielberg once wanted a Jurassic film to build to scenes involving dinosaurs strapped with rockets, running into battle”

Strapping rockets to the dinosaurs has been done:

yep.  despite how they may act, they are NOT your friend.

Just remember nothing in the law says you can’t “forget,” lots of stuff, just ask a notable percentage of the Republican Party.

Never answer questions from the Police.  Just shut the fuck up.

Good. Stop throwing money at this fool. He isn’t a Faulkner or James. He writes big-kid scripts and if he can’t figure out what an audience requires in a narrative he should make room for fresh talent.

I usually enjoy snark, but this article made me feel uncomfortable. Like I accidentally walked in on the writer taking a shit. 

There’s no answer to that question. Some people will forgive CK, or at least be willing to give him money. Others won’t. He might have a successful career again or he might not. It’s not as if he’s entitled to one.

He's done nothing to indicate that his attitude, views, or behavior have changed. An apology without genuine repentance isn't worth the paper it's printed on. 

Oh no, you guys, a horny millionaire is being moderately inconvenienced. Look at the horrors that cancel culture has wrought.

He’s making fun of Ted Seranos’ quote about Gervais and Chapelle

Gina Carano and Kirk Cameron are available, I’m sure

I would have imagined Netflix falling over themselves to pay several million dollars for exclusive rights to this.

This 100 100 100.

Musk probably watched the Expanse and thought, “Hmm, creating a marginalized society like the Belters to build stuff for me is a really good idea.”

It’s not a delusion. Musk has been making inflated projections for the last ten years (how many times has Tesla missed his production target now?). Musk’s claim has a deliberate aim: hype. He’s hyping his publicly traded companies, because their valuation essentially relies on a bubble of hot air.

Musk is a grifter, an old style carnival barker who will promise the Moon, Mars and beyond to his cultlike followers when everyone else can see how he’s completely full of BS.