United States of Bonerland

I remember watching one of those park walkthrough videos when all this opened up in Japan, and my initial impressions were 1) This is all very clearly made for little children and you know what, that’s fine, not everything should be made for your hideous late-30s ass, 2) Oh no, it’s so tiny and choked with tourists

Kyle has a critically-acclaimed Netflix series, Saturday Morning All-Star Hits

Honestly I think Mooney would be better off out of SNL.  His weird surreal humor thing never worked well on the show.  His Netflix show was a lot of fun

SERIOUSLY?!? Kenan Thompson is the longest tenured cast member; he’s heading into his 20th year. Put some respeck on his name.

And the four Yang mentioned are HARDLY “the best to ever do it.” Kate McKinnon went from playing wacky characters to playing “Kate McKinnon dressed up as a wacky character.” Pete Davidson was

I actually interviewed with them once over a decade ago. When the hiring manager called to presumably discuss a potential offer, he apparently looked more closely at my resume than he had the entire rest of the process and realized that I wasn’t set to graduate for another 6 months or so. He said to reach out again

Apartheid Clyde”. Goddamn, that’s good!

I read an article about Glassdoor ratings that noted that the ratings for SpaceX consisted of a constant trickle of negative ratings with one or two massive pulses of positive ratings over a week, once or twice a year. Apparently periodically he’ll command everyone to post a positive rating.

They should pretend to work somewhere else.

Over the last 2+ years, I’ve gone from working out of an office to working remotely and hiring remotely. My core team is now scattered across multiple states and countries. Going back to the office would do nothing for me other than adding a commute before my daily Zoom meetings and usual design work.

Good luck keeping those tech workers Elon, market is hot for workers right now.

Ah, but under the terms of the “smart contract” that the Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs use, whoever holds the NFT actually does have the IP rights for that particular Bored Ape! The means by which it got into any particular wallet are immaterial. “Code Is Law” working exactly as designed.

I just watched the trailer and I want to say “Thank you for your service” to the brave thief who “stole” the ape thus preventing this crap from being made 

Is this all some sort of bizarre performance art or is everyone involved really this fucking dumb?

Any project with Gary Vaynerchuk attached deserves to be shut down

You do realize that none of that has anything to do with what this trial is about.  It’s not a tort case, it’s defamation.  The only thing about Heard that matters is whether she knowingly lied that she was abused and that Depp never hit her.  Proving that she lied is near impossible since proving what a person is

She is on tape admitting to hitting him to stop him drunkenly crushing her toes against a door. Wow. How abusive of her. And oh shit, she hasn’t been able to give that money to charity amid being sued repeatedly by her ex. I forgot that defending yourself in multiple libel and defamation trials is totally free!

Your mom is trash with utters

Meh, it was a fine watch for movie night with the kids. 

Not to spoil the movie but ugly Sonic gets enough screen time that he’s almost the third lead. He’s in more of the damn movie and gets more lines the Gadget does!

I think my favorite throwaway joke was Peter Pan saying he was going to get away with using the Men’s Warehouse slogan. Almost like the writers winking that the mouse lawyers will get them whatever reference they need lol.

The movie isn’t nearly as good as a movie as Roger Rabbit, which is a legit great gumshoe noir