United States of Bonerland

How ill the IOC members buy new boats without those bribes though?  They can’t ALL go to work for FIFA!

As a person who doesn’t really get watching sports I’d be fine with getting rid of it all but I get that people like watching this sorts thing

Years ago I saw the sweetest bit of karma happen to some cops who’d “parked” with that typically arrogant, diagonal “don’t give a shit” method they adopt instead of pulling in to an actual bay.

Let's just all decide as a planet right now that the Olympics suck and we shouldn't have them anymore. 

I assume he’s white, because otherwise he probably would have had his head truncheoned-in.

What irks me about this show, and it isn’t much, is that everything feels like it needs another rewrite.

Everyone in the story is a dickhead.  That is true.  

Yep. Everyone in this story is a raging dipshit.

I feel pretty comfortable here saying that there are no heroes in this tale, just varying degrees of fragility and stupidity.  

The cops arresting a guy for being angry at them for blocking a parking space: assholes.

Yelling at cops is NOT a crime, no matter how much you hurt their fee fees.  Jesus, how’s them boots taste?  I’ll never know so I’d thought I’d ask you.

This sounds like he took it too far but the police entitlement at times is too much. I go running by my office and of the 4 times that I’ve had problems with cars going into crosswalks or cutting me off on sidewalks, 3 times it’s been cops. This isn’t daily, I run about 3 days a week and I’ve been doing these runs for

It’s part of their training. If they can’t earn respect, they take it.


The guy’s a clown, but it doesn’t matter. The police are still wrong here.  Bunch of fragile thugs who can’t handle someone being mean to them but will turn around and crack someone’s skull as soon as the mood suits them.

Agreed. I pledge allegiance to Bonerland.

A rare example of good Kinja anymore. Well said.

While it was clearly, and understandably, spliced together, the shot where Vigilante jumps on the Dragon’s back was just glorious. There was just something magnificently dynamic about it while really managing to make it a logical out-of-nowhere feeling of the action. I’m also curious will the show ever address that

The CC run was shaky for sure (like the lame Apple spoof or the Obama “Earth certificate” thing) but there were some decent enough episodes (like the fantastic time machine episode).

Well, I’m happy Billy West, Phil LaMarr, Lauren Tom and the rest are getting more work at least, but sorry, I’m never forgiving Revival!Futurama for that Susan Boil episode.