
If her parents have money to send her to an out-of-state university she’ll go work for Daddy’s or Daddy’s friend’s company and do just fine.

Even if that’s the case, still gets me that one could spend upwards of 100K and tank your future career prospects cause of lack of self control.

Alternate possibility: she has dumb, rich parents who are paying out-of-state rates to send her to what is not an especially prestigious university, and isn’t even all that close to either a beach or a ski slope.

How much money is she borrowing to be Educated but basically the same stupid at the end of the day?

But I don’t feel like, going on the details of this story, this isn’t the same as Franco or any of the other horror stories we’ve heard. To me, this is just a guy who was super horny and was trying every god-awful terrible move in the book to get her to sleep with him. By her own account, she never felt unsafe and he

Usually not like that though. I don’t wan’t to be a prude or anything but how violent modern porn is must be causing some sort of sexual violence problems. Its all choking, gagging etc. And since kids don’t have comprehensive sex ed that is how they think sex is supposed to be. Its not introduced as the concept of

Are you serious? I mean, if a guy stuck his finger down my throat I would probably vomit. That’s not sexy.

Ok, I’ll say it....he’s a terrible date. A completely horrible, horrible date. He thinks he’s being sexy and hot by the finger thing and asking her where he can fuck her.....he just really thought she would hear that and feel it and be like, “Oh.....well....ok sure I’m really turned on now let’s do it!!” He fucked up

I’ve had hookups try and do it a few times. Like nasty woodland creature said, I think they’re just mimicking what they see in porn (and that porn keeps edging up on conflating women being pushed past their limits of comfort or pleasure with how Men Do Sex).

No, I understand where the anger is, absolutely, and I’m not saying it’s not valid. I just, personally, thought after reading this that he is a pushy, horny guy who can’t (or maybe won’t) pick up on when a girl is uncomfortable, and thinks that, even thought she had told him she wasn’t completely into to it, by

What aziz did is wrong and people have every right to go after him for what he did, but this passage makes me think that this is the real reason you’re so angry at him. My guess you’re either a poc woman with a white fetish who seem to hate poc men or a white guy

Gagging women is big in porn. Of course straight guys are gonna do it.

UGH I just read her whole account. He absolutely acted like a horny disrespectful asshole, and no matter what she did with him if she wants to stop, then you stop. Which he didn’t, he just kept thinking by saying whatever he was saying and doing whatever the hell he was doing she was going to give in.

Right? When I think about how many random people I have been photographed next to at dumb parties or work events - suddenly that’s an endorsement of their life and behavior? 

Oh man. I’m sort of with you here. I don’t know. I understand she was in a position where she didn’t want to offend him, and as a woman we’ve all been there......but after a certain point, you have to speak up for yourself, especially since, going by the article, she didn’t feel physically threatened. You can’t just

I was assigned to a special Presidential duty in Washington DC very long ago in my military career. I got to meet Yassir Arafat when he flew in for peace talks with Israel, and shook his hand for the sheer bizarre novelty of it, and someone snapped a photo of it.

“I used several non-verbal queues”???

Yes exactly, this is all alt-right nonsense that for some reason, is now finding a regular home on Jezebel. It’s conspiracy theory crap.

“These photos don’t look good”?