
The guy from The Tick denounced him and donated all his pay from the movie in October. Weirdly people gave him shit for it. Where’s Selena Gomez on all of this?

Yep. Liam Neeson got on the “witch hunt” train, too. :-(

Initial thought- “Good. They were taking up space that a whole variety of other people might be more qualified for.”

I will not work with anyone who has a problematic history of abusive/racist/ homophobic/ misogynist/ harassing/ inappropriate sexual behaviour

I have heard the “I can’t say anything because I’ll drown their voices.” excuse and I don’t buy it.

I would be really happy for a few dudes who have worked with Woody Allen or any of the reported abusers to weigh in and add their voices to the “Not working with this guy again” conversation. Their silence is deafening as only women appear to be called to account for it, are taking the professional hit and have to

Rosanne was about non-educated working class whites but the show had a lot of liberal/progressive themes. Rosanne was pro-pot, pro-gay rights, etc. They even had episodes that addressed racism where they made DJ kiss an African-American girl in a school play after he initially refused. They weren’t that backwards but

Because there’s no reason people like the Connors SHOULD be trump supporters and most people are over beating out heads in having logic fail discussions about it with his supporters. Who the fuck wants to watch all those arguments we’ve had being acted out over and over? If it was a well thought out debate, sure, but

Well, they’re different enough that nobody called Palin “the next Hitler”.

That’s the thing that always gets me about trumpers in general. I mean, do they even know how disgusting he would find them? Do they think that they would all wander down to the corner bar and have a brewski together and talk about fishin’ and huntin’?

I’m not sure what’s so different about their policies. I will say that Trump is worse than Palin, which I didn’t think was possible.

I could see Roseanne being a Trump supporter and her kids (at least Darlene) wouldn’t be.

Yeah, hate to say it, but I totally believe the Conners would be Trump supporters. And I can see Jackie being pro-Hillary, and Darlene OBVIOUSLY moved to Chicago and became a big city liberal.

And she likes weed. She used to like gay people. Her tv daughter is gay. She used to call herself a feminist. I don’t understand this at all.

I didn’t know either. And the sad thing is Trump would probably despise a woman like her—she’s loud, opinionated, and doesn’t look like a beauty pageant contestant. Not to mention the fact that his administration wants to take away the Medicare and Social Security that Roseanne and her husband would surely be

But he’s the only one from the show who has had an amazing film career. He’s acted steadily in big budget films for the last 20 years. I would hope he would have more reasons besides money.

It’s historically ignorant A-holes who think that ‘blowing up the whole system’ is a great idea. They are too lazy to think or research a bit and don’t realize that ‘blowing up the whole system’ usually results in about 35 years of complete disaster and then another 30+ of maybe improving from disaster in a gradual

Yes to your last line. I fucking HATE people who want to sit back and “blow up the system” because it generally means they know they’re going to be OK and fuck the poor slobs on the bottom who will suffer the most. There’s nothing “progressive” about that.

Roseann explains her support of Trump as being that he “upsets the status quo.” She has never actually walked back on any of the progressive policies she supported back in 2010 or when she was pro-Obama. She just feels that Trump is going to blow up a system she see’s as corrupt.