Iwona Burgunda

So none of this?

LOL - is this fake news?

This is a really good read about what it is like to be an abortion provider in Texas. Thank you, Dr. Kumar!

The kind of lawyer who says marital rape isn’t rape. SO MUCH CASE HISTORY TO BACK THIS, he says.

I got my grandma’s china about 10 years ago when I moved into my own place.  None of it exists anymore because I used them as every day plates because I didn’t want to buy my own, and I broke all of them. My dog also ate off of china.

Or he can’t have the jets anymore. And you put outside locks on doors because at 2 am he wanders off into the dark fields. And then he gets obscenely angry with you when you say, “we found you in a field at 2 am.”

Dude. This is EXACTLY what the DNA report said about my dog... but he looks like this:

Not to mention, most nurses have more hands-on experience than doctors these days due to more traditionally doctor’s duties being transferred down. It even goes as far as social work - for instance, when I worked intake/assessment at a psychiatric hospital, I was the point of first contact and made the decision for

My HS practices, for basketball, volleyball, and track, were all in the morning. I think back and cannot understand how I didn’t shower after and just dressed and went along with the rest of the school day. I never remember feeling gross. But what is even more weird to think back on is that none of the girls (minus 2

Thank you for saving me a google. I had noooo fucking idea what a shipper was... still kinda don’t.

I’m curious where you learned naloxone does not work with fentanyl overdose?

I just want to say, you are an impressive parent!

I have no doubt a TSA agent would find The Trial both disturbingly unsatisfying/too real.

“reflects people from different walks of life...”

Definitely. See my response above.

Those diagnosed on the autistic spectrum are actually deeply affected by others feelings, but expression of the empathetic response is hindered by the intellectual/developmental disorder. They also have a poor time understand what other people are thinking - but they do understand other peoples feelings.

Both my parents got sterilized. I don’t know why I thought that was kind of normal.

I have clients that have 5 kids and beg doctors to have their tubes tied... but they’re under 30 so... NOPE!

Dude, the “I wish I had done that!” thing.... SERIOUSLY! I do not even get it.

Eloped, too. Wouldn’t have it any other way. No witnesses either. Just went to the court, it was like $35 bucks, and then one friend met us for brunch and that was that. I wore a dress I’ve had for a while, but I did blow dry my hair that day to make it seem special!