Bob Sacamano

I'm not LGBT, but I was picked on as a kid. If someone started fighting me out of nowhere, the teachers didn't care who started it. We were all responsible and needed to be punished. Even when I did nothing I was still to blame somehow. If I was accused of hitting someone first, suddenly I was the only one in trouble.


Rex Ryan did something similar when he was a defensive coordinator for the Ravens in a game against the Patriots some years back. Patriots didn't convert on a 4th and short late in the 4th quarter. The play was negated because Ryan called a timeout even though he had no authority to do so. Pats converted on the next

The differences might be explained by the fact that teams play better at home than on the road. Isn't it possible that a team is more likely to commit more penalties on the road because they perform better at home? I would have thought the differences would have been bigger. It might be too small to put any blame on

Leaf over Manning? Peyton was drafted first. The Chargers traded up to take Leaf at number two, but Manning went number one. What is 'Steve' talking about?

Let's say you won the powerball last night as the numbers were announced. What do you in the hours before handing in the ticket? Do you just stare at the ticket for eight hours under dawn? I'd be extremely paranoid to do anything or call anybody. What if some NSA guy is tracking the winning ticket, viewing security

Sure, those Miami fans have the right to leave the game whenever they want to beat traffic or check out. Others have the right to mercilessly mock them for leaving a five point with 28 seconds in the finals. It's not about different fans having different levels of devotions or old-fashioned standards. The game was

So Jay-Z is now Roger Sterling at a sports agency. Nice.

Possible solution...if both keep your names, agree that if you have a boy, he takes one name and if you have a girl, she takes the other or even alternate every other for the next child. This might not work if you only want one kid, but if you both have different last names anyway, your kid having a different one


The painting on the chicken coup is worth $160?...And how you find anything in a kitchen that is specific enough to have panini utensils. 'No, not that drawer, that's the waffle stuff, seventh cabinet from the second over, where we keep the flan accessories.'

So in this case, Roger Goodell is a minion who was no control. He just acts on behalf of the owners' wishes to break the refs. Therefore, give him a raise for being a good lackey during this ordeal? How does that make any sense? If he's just a glorified fall guy, then why is he getting paid like a CEO?