
Right, I agree completely. I’m happy now that the platform is so fully mature that changes are incremental and “waiting” for updates isn’t really a big deal. It was probably 5 years ago when it did “matter”. I think it’s much better now for everyone that the changes are so minor that they can easily hold off.

I got it, nothing really that different. Not interested in the new gestures.

Square would be better off using off the shelf engines and actually releasing games in timely manners then building their own clunky engines that make development time take a decade per game.

Squares biggest problem is they can’t release anything. They are paralyzed. They started developing the FFVII remake in 2015, will release it next year. 5 years for a tiny portion of the full game! It’s not even the full FFVII!!!

There was a video on this site last year I believe, of a gay latino berating a Lyft or Uber driver (black) for some music related dispute, and the passenger was using the N word quite liberally, and using Trumps name to threaten the black driver. 

Uh...that’s their point? That just because the person is potentially LGTBQ doesn’t preclude them from being a racist ass?

I like that his mom pretends she packed him healthy meals. Sorry, no 7 year old can keep a diet like this unnoticed. What about dinner? Breakfast? 

Pity the rookie head coach who finally gets his first opportunity and has to preside over a miserable tank, and then when there is finally some hope, well, he can’t possibly be the coach anymore because look at that career record!

This is missing a couple of things. A dash of tobasco (mentioned below), and the celery salt is supposed to be around the rim of the glass.

Even advertising is 100% Caesar now too. I am 38 and this is the first time i’ve heard it called Bloody Caesar, so it seems like it’s really changed now.

That stat is terrifying!

Thanks, that’s what I thought! So my problem with this joke is its laziness more than anything (and i found his original joke funny...don’t @ me)

Didn’t he make that same Michael Jackson joke years ago in some variation? Feels like I heard it before from him.

And the first sentence. passive aggressive little shits is Splinter’s motto.

Diamond and Silk are public access at best.

I imagine bedbug would be the nicest thing Jamelle Bouie would be called on a daily basis by his racist critics. 

Yeah, he was the nicest member of the house by far. Also, 90% of his support involves eating, or him helping people lift things and encouraging them to be their best. The sweetest!

Right. I only played Golden Deer so far, so I’m well acquainted with Lorenz attitude, and “fuck fuck fuck” is just not him at all. Snooty huffy “how dare you sir!” would be more up his alley. But a stream of expletives? Nah.

Lorenz would never go on an explititve rant on Twitter, I’m sorry, it’s just 100% not his character!

“only 22 and will be in the top 100 in the next 2 or 3 years” isn’t a compliment...