
Not much of a way to “optimize” 8k-sized textures.  I do like the way some games do it though where out of the box they’ll support up to say a 2k resolution but can download a separate 4k texture pack if it applies to you.  Saves the people running 1080/2k some effort if it’s not needed.

You know you can get cards in excess of 8gb VRAM, right? 

I think the current system of splitting it up between recent reviews vs all reviews does a pretty good job of differentiating temporary shitty updates vs overall quality. Of course this doesn’t help when it’s a brand new game and the two are essentially the same but when you start seeing the “recent reviews” tip

“Bitcoin Pyramid Scheme Fraudster”

If the child is X, it stands to reason that his father would give him a $300 chrome Starship model to play with.

I’d be much more inclined to follow a cute literal talking weasel instead of whatever type of weasel Elon is currently

No one “celebrates” national smoking day, drinking day or opioids day.

And yet these somehow look worse than if they HAD actually just done everything in Photoshop.

Maybe they used GIMP?

You can also just pay $10 to play it on Game Pass

There are countless games that let you willingly choose to join the “asshole” team. Fallout lets you nuke an entire city. The Elder Scrolls games let you murder whoever you want or join a guild of assassins. Many of the Star Wars games let you play to the dark side/Empire. Not really sure why HP is being singled out

“inadequate notice, lack of consideration, improper delegation of authority, and ethical violations, such as conflicts of interest and self-dealing.”

You can burn through the battery in the Steam Deck in 60-90 min if you really try and given the reports that this is lighter, is promising better performance, and runs a higher resolution/faster screen they better be pulling some serious witchcraft or else this thing will be dead in 30 min.

Your eyes have a larger dynamic range but that is largely due to the eye’s ability to adapt to different lighting environments. In a “fixed lighting environment” (ie. scotopic, mesopic, or photopic), the range is much smaller.  Cameras compensate for a lower dynamic range by being able to adjust other parameters such

Wow, it’s almost like you don’t understand how statistics work in that those 87% of people probably aren’t educators and belong to other fields that were surveyed.

Sanderson’s Response:

That quote is paraphrased for the article. The actual language in the bill just says any vehicle that is not connected to the charging equipment. Basically if you can plug it in, you’re good.

The article links to H77 which is not correct. Should be H255

OF offering a personalized deepfake model trained off their content to auto generate content on-demand for subscribers and then split the revenue

It’s like they learned nothing from Florida where insurance companies are increasingly refusing to insure houses in hurricane prone areas and/or moving out of the state entirely.