
The Coast Guard and Homeland Security were called in to help remove the equipment in the event it was something more sinister than a crypto mining setup (ie. a bomb)

The Coast Guard and Homeland Security were called in to help remove the equipment in the event it was something more sinister than a crypto mining setup (ie. a bomb)

Except it is exactly relevant to what you said? You’re claiming milk is fine to drink because our ancestors did it and I’m saying the milk you’re drinking today is nothing like what your ancestors drank.  It does far more harm to our growth and development than it helps.

“A train derailment sent toxic chemicals pouring into the air and water supply,” the summary states. “But the Biden Administration can’t put identity politics to the side for long enough to address this problem.”

Society has existed for millennia and a lot of the early work they did was figuring out what things we can and can’t eat and how to breed and then prepare more foods.

Allows them to serve more ads

Fun Fact: Broccoli is one of the few foods that actually benefits from extra processing. Chopping broccoli allows it to retain more sulforaphane (anti-cancerous phytochemical) during cooking but for best results the broccoli has to be chopped 30-90 min before cooking.  So buying pre-chopped frozen broccoli is

The same people, like the authors of this article, who think that the reason milk is falling out of favor to plant-based milks is because they’re higher in fat than plant-based milks and completely ignore the fact that dairy milk is pumped so full of hormones it’s fucking with our childrens’ bodies in irreversible

Evidently 1 out of every 4 people on the road were having their journeys slowed down otherwise reducing the speed limit wouldn’t have had an impact on fatalities the way it did...

I’m just glad there are people out there buying these phones.

“This is a key moment for our transition to a digital economy,” Jeng said in her written testimony. “We are at a decision point where how we build our legal and regulatory foundation will determine our digital future for decades to come.

A Time investigation last month revealed OpenAI relied on outsourced Kenyan laborers, some paid as little as $2 per hour

I guess we’re now in that timeline where Republicans are more willing to defend the rights of kitchen appliances than women

Always live pins doesn’t mean you have to utilize those pins and/or good electronics design would account for that anyway. The outlets in your house are always live unless they’re on a switch but if you leave something plugged in unless it’s some crap-tier device it will have a negligible parasitic draw.

Apparently nobody in the comments actually read the article.

It’s a sport...you are supposed to be pissed if you think you are going to win and you lose. Who cares if he breaks his controller?

I agree they’re rape-apologizing loonies but I believe the logic for never putting it on sale isn’t that they’ll net more money but that they didn’t want it to seem “unfair” to people who paid full price for the game while others get it at a discount because they waited for the right time. Not sure that I’ve ever


As another commenter stated - what a weird article. I can’t tell if the biggest issue is that they’ve never had a sale (and so what? Many haven’t), or that they raised the price after seven years. Which is also an odd thing to write about.

“The intent of the video was not to accurately portray what was available for customers in 2016. It was to portray what was possible to build into the system,”