
Whether or not they reported too early on a potential ban on gas ranges is kind of beside the point. These are grown ass men photoshopping Punisher skulls onto their ranges and equating their ability to own a gas-fired appliance with the rights owed to them by the US Constitution. Here’s what a normal response looks

They can SLOWLY leak methane over time. Methane in and of itself is non-toxic. In high enough concentrations it can displace oxygen but unless there is an actual problem like a bad hose connection the amount leaked would be dissipated into the air well before you’d ever notice it.

They’re banning gas lines in general, not just for stoves.

“I don’t think they’ve trained the neural nets for driving in snow yet”  When do you think he’ll figure out that they’re using guinea pigs like him to do the training?

Reminds me of the episode of Mythic Quest where instead of banning the Nazis from playing their game they just put them all on a server together so they could hate on each other

Complaining about AI art is the new “War on Christmas”

So pay a fee to transfer your USD into a stablecoin so you can use your stablecoin to buy stuff? butwhy.jpg

Not sure how you can assert that when in the article they say Black Panther grossed as much in 3 days as Black Adam did in 4 weeks.  Clearly people DO still want to see people with super powers getting into fist fights.

Oh no. Anyway

Except that it does need to be there? Crash ratings/safety standards for crumple zones, aero, etc.  You want it to look like a city bus with a flat front end?

The answer is “it depends”.  Debts are classified into categories of “Dischargeable” and “Nondischargeable” with the latter meaning it sticks around even after a bankruptcy filing.  Most judgements are dischargeable but banks/creditors can file what is essentially an appeal to ask that some or all of the charges be

“Can this movie made for children please have fewer things in it that appeal to children and more things that appeal to me, an adult?”

And then promptly threw a temper tantrum and called a dude a pedo for no reason when his idea didn’t work and wasn’t used proving he wasn’t doing it to help, he was doing it for clout.

I have no mercy for anyone who would use the deaths of children for gain, politics or fame” Musk said while completely missing the irony of the time he tried to do that when those kids were trapped in a cave

“3/4 of his $250m fortune in FTX! Yeah hes been nearly wiped out.”

Yeah he was able to milk SpaceX and Tesla employees because it was “ooh cool new tech startup” and people could be enticed with stock offers. Twitter is not that. Nobody is going to bust their ass for an almost two decades old dying social media platform

“Your recent behavior has violated company policies”

Or...you know, a pastebin link that we can ctrl+f

“Come pay $12 for parking so you can eat our $10 vending machine sandwiches while watching your loved ones get groped by minimum wage employees!”

“From a legal standpoint, its always hard to prove ignorance (ie: a mistake) vs. malicious intent”