
I heard he ordered 20 SpaceX engineers to develop a carbon fiber sink specifically for that stunt that was lightweight enough his tiny noodle arms could carry it and he’s not allowed to get upset I said that because FREE SPEEEEEEECCHHH

Lol that pink color you get from the hex code is the default pink that most game engines use to indicate a missing texture. I know CDPR uses their own engine but I would expect this is an easter egg nod to that, not anything relevant to the game itself.

I don’t really know what your point is here.  Are you saying only Kia has had recalls for engine problems? Or are you emphasizing the dollar amount? Toyota’s “unintended acceleration” recalls cost them $2 billion.  Are Toyota’s not reliable? What’s your point here?

That’s your “gotcha”? OK:

What a weird attempt at being edgy

Chip readers also combat against this but too many places still allow swiping. 

There are so many things that get simplified from a flight dynamics perspective just from not having dozens/hundreds of gallons of liquid sloshing around.  I am curious though, a lot of the big jumbo jets actually rely on the fact that they’re going to burn off most of their weight to land in certain spots.  Batteries

Spot is what, $80k? That’s arguably pretty cheap for a 1st gen publically available robot.  I’ve worked with robots for factory automation that cost 3x as much and could only lay down a few strips of RTV on panes of glass.

Why are they citing the American constitution while discussing an EU law banning Russian IPs?

Why not use some critical thinking skills to infer the point that their executives are still being paid a shit load of money while harping about cost cutting measures to us plebs and call it a day?

Waiting until after midterms to not give MAGAs more of a drive to get out to the polls

The closest competition GTA has is Saint’s Row and they’ve always gone the more absurdist route

Kingdom Hearts has entered the chat. At least they didn’t call it Yakuza Ω: ReYakuza Final Dragon 8.1.14 HDR Infinity Part Zero Slash Six

Good thing crypto is free from regulation and manipulation by powerful corporate entities!

I assumed the “no texting” also limited ANY phone use.  Maybe if they were sly they could turn on their phone hotspot and whip out a laptop but I imagine any judge gung-ho enough to order the Wifi turned off and phones banned would also ban laptops and any electronic device if it became a “problem”

Do you think wildefires are getting better over time? Strain on the grid is strain on the grid. It doesn’t matter where it comes from.

There were over 25,000 blackout events in 2019 alone with an average duration of 46 hours affecting nearly 29,000,000 people and that was up 23% from the year before.  And 2018 was up 50% from 2017.  It’s getting worse.

Also enjoy the person saying crypto is a scam and then asking for a refund of the crypto-based game they gave their money to.  Like...what did you expect?

I guess we just forgot Pro-CCP Tencent owns 40% of Epic/UE?

Tesla was missing production goals on the Model 3 in a different world with far fewer supply chain constraints. The S and X had already been in production for years so I wouldn’t consider Tesla still a “startup” at that point. If Lucid/Rivian are still having production issues on their 3rd model in a fully restored