
How long until we see a car Leroy Jenkins itself off the bridge from launching over a speed bump?

The layoffs happened because they grew too big, too fast. Acquiring a company with a specific skill set to address a specific problem REQUIRING that skill set is different than keeping around a bunch of duplicate employees who CAN’T fix your problem. 

A public airing of dirty laundry isn’t “holding people accountable”. The Select Committee could meet with Garland any time about this to discuss REAL charges.  This is for public perception to get people out to the polls in a desperate attempt to try and keep their seats through midterms

“Got your employment package right here” *grabs crotch* - Elon, probably.

Abortion is healthcare. Healthcare in the US is largely dictated by your employer. Ergo it IS an appropriate employee concern.

Republicans are remaking America with 42% of the vote because of the fucked up way the Senate works, not because of some huge misstep by the Democrats. They literally do not have enough votes to do anything because, of the 5 people living in North Dakota, 3 of them voted R so they get to represent 2% of America. What

Did you mean FF7R? There’s no FF9 remake as far as I’m aware.  But also, FF7R uses Unreal, not Unity.

That’s nothin. I know a guy that got drunk and convinced the sitting President of the United States to start an insurrectionist coup

I’m confused why this was focused on Juul specifically? The flavor pods I can understand but why are other companies allowed to sell tobacco flavored vapes with nicotine?

Why is this on Kotaku? Because of a one sentence reference to “GamerGate”? 

Because that requires enforcement

Most miners actually underclock the cards because the hash rate doesn’t scale linearly like that and it’s not worth the extra wear on a card.  Having to drop thousands of dollars each month because you’re burning out your cards prematurely to get an extra 5% hash rate isn’t worth it.

This definitely screams “My First Unity Game”...the art direction is all over the place.  Looks like each element is coming from a different asset pack (characters, UI, farm items, scenery)

Can we send them to the IRS instead of the ISS?

the last 10-15 years in the US has been fucking kick-ass for rich people doing crimes

Yep, they refuse to make internet accessibility a municipal service but want to regulate it like one.

“I’m delighted to report that the telescope alignment has been completed with performance even better than we had anticipated,” said Michael McElwain

If this actually happens, any business with a Twitter account will just delete the account. Paying for a sponsored tweet that gets pushed to peoples’ feeds is one thing. Paying for the ability to tweet in the first place is something that companies won’t pay for, because it doesn’t really add much to a business.

Are they going to credit our accounts for it being “Backlog Season” too? The PC releases have been ho-hum since January. The quality of content leaving has certainly outmatched the replacements

The stand-up comedy stuff annoys the hell out of me.  If I go to “Movies-->Comedy” I don’t want to see 500 stand-up specials.  Make a separate category for stand-up specials and get that shit out of there.