His Royal Daintiness

Is this one of them pokeymons you kids are always on about?

Saw this baby in Japan and even the locals I asked didn’t know what it was.

I don’t get whats creepy about men being into pregnant women. When my wife was pregnant, I couldn’t keep my hands off her. I thought she was gorgeous with all those curves and what-not. Unfortunately for me, she, on the other hand, thought she was huge, bloated, bla bla bla, which I can understand, but really didn’t

Duck on a sheet! I thought that was just a sight gag on the David Duchovny movie Evolution!

Take a look at my middle reference. They seem to be Faraday waves.

Evolutionary biology can be used (or rather misused) to explain any behavior. (For instance, maybe men’s bodies are attracted to pregnant women because they have shown they are fertile and can healthily carry a baby to term?) But I think it’s a good bet that many men are into pregnant women for exactly the same

I always thought it was more about fuller breasts and the novelty of doing something different.

Is it actually boiling, or is it vibrating. I’ve seen water boil with torpedo sonars before, but always assumed it was because they were operating at such high frequencies. Infrasound (less than 20 Hz) seems pretty low.

I don’t know, I have some very specific fantasies that involve a lot of people etc etc but I’m not depressed that I can’t live them out, I’m glad they’re at an arms distance and will always remain a fantasy because actually having to go through with it...it seems like a lot of work to coordinate and make happen and

That sucks. It’s always really weird when you find out you have a very specific fantasy that really gets you going, and always kind of depressing when you realize it’s so specific you’ll probably never get to see it happen. My only consolation is that the Internet exists pretty much to show you video of it.

clearly you didn’t get the memo.

The house tour at Taliesin is 50 bucks for adults, so yes it is expensive. And I stayed at the Don Q Inn once in the “mid evil” room. It had a giant copper jetted tub and some interesting iron additions to the bed.

I knew there was something else in the area I was forgetting! We did Taliesin, it was cool. A bit wierd with the working architecture school there and things on the tour like “Behind this closed door is the first bathroom that Wright designed” “Wow!, can we see it?” “I’m sorry, we are not allowed in that room.”

I didn’t post any more pictures because once you start, where do you stop?

That never made any sense to me anyway - making them all male seems like a much more reliable way of avoiding any breeding than making them all female.

You forgot “dinosaurs.”

“What might we expect to find on Pluto?”