Sometimes I get breakouts, and my skin craques. I find Benzema works well to ease that problem. You go, Riri.
Sometimes I get breakouts, and my skin craques. I find Benzema works well to ease that problem. You go, Riri.
Better that than ____ ___ right in the _____.
“If a girl is six-feet-five inches tall, she’s bound to have special problems.”
We are at peak yoga pant, and it shows no sign of receding. Skin is covered in what is practically paint.
Are you a southern country lawyer? Colonel Sanders?
I really only learned how to make miso mazto ball soup. Sorry to get you worked up.
Girls who wear this don’t poop.
Slutty space princess clubwear. Love it.
The saucer-less part looks wimpy and dumb and decidedly non-Enterprise-y.
Learned how to make some really cool multi-unit assemblies, kinda like this:
Whoa, whoa, wait a minute! Canadia has a military?
I’d buy that squid breakfast.
Jeanne Calment, Frenchwoman who lived to 122, rode a bicycle almost every day until age 100. She also quit smoking at 117.
#timetravelparadox #kimksuperstar
About five miles from my house is a fairly modest monument to the Chicago Portage. In 1673, French-Canadian explorer Louis Jolliet and French Jesuit missionary Father Jacques Marquette became the first Europeans to cross this portage that connected the watersheds of the Great Lakes and the Mississippi river. This…