
Still only a license, and what happens when Disney buys GOG (I mean, at this point it has to be considered a possibility)? They could easily flip a switch and game goes bye bye without some kind of new activation code. Not that they would, but that it would be legal.

I sure as heck hope you only buy physical copies and keep it from connecting to the internet since you like owning your game.

So the $500, excuse me, the $1000 Xbox/PS5, TVs needed to enjoy them and the internet connection required to actually download the games, these days, aren’t? Stop being a total idiot. Part idiot is fine, but total idiot is just.. I mean, you’ve seen Tropic Thunder, yes?

I read somewhere that someone was complaining about Bloodshot actually earning more on vod than Birds of Prey as of the week of March 31.

Vin Diesel saves his wife and then finds out he's been dead for years.  Pretty sure that was the plot of one of his other movies where the trailer literally starts with, "I am dead" or something.  Don't worry, all the "tHe SuRpRiSe WaS iN tHe TrAiLeR" people must not know the "surprise" was within the first few pages

As a person who only recently learned of this universe, I read the first collected trade of the 2012 run of Bloodshot a couple months ago.

A dictatorship. The people who would cheer for that would prop her up like a god, much worse than Trumpettes trumpeteer Trump because Trump can’t actually explode people’s heads.

I was referring to buying the coming consoles, but there is no need for a modern PC unless you are working from home.

Oh sure... let’s just laugh at people who choose not to spend $500+ on something they won’t actually need....

You’re suggesting a soft trade war against the people of China, which will absolutely not affect the CCP at all.

if you look back at Chinese history all of the most enlightened and peaceful periods were directly preceded by some of the darkest, most bloody and dictatorial

I do wonder if you consume Japanese media from a nation who has a royal family still alive and still the royal family who presided over, just to name a few:

To be perfectly honest, I do not think there is any game that has been developed in any country that would be free from any immoral and inhuman behavior if we throw a sticky blanket over everything.

I saw that one!

Should he use his left hands?


Sorry, I hate getting griefed as much as the next guy and I’m not good enough at games to always wind up on top when it happens, but when a statement says that all people are invited to participate, I accept it. And when someone reads, “all people” and then they reply with anything that says, “except these people”, I

Because a blurry red can of Coca Cola does not in any way infringe on the IP since it is not an exact replica.

Did you design the car? If so, you are the tattoo artist.

Wrong. You are NOT allowed to then take a picture of that picture and use it commercially without first obtaining a license for commercial use.