
Every shot of that movie is a damned Masterpiece.

I don’t even begrudge them that but it undermines the very existence of the collection. Simon’s Quest, Dracula’s Curse and Symphony of the Night are the three games that encapsulate the series. But even if they insist on selling it separately, why isn’t it for sale separately on those same platforms? Why mobile? Why

Why wasn’t this included in the Castlevania Anniversary Collection they just released last year?

Character designer looks like a fan of FFXIV.

This took 5 years. Next step will be to port to PC/Xbox/Next-gen. Then some time off. Then into pre-production on the next episode. Look forward to it by the time we start getting details about PS6.

Then don't know what revenue is. They are being told to scrap millions in equipment. That's a massive expense they are being told to incur FOR YOUR SAFETY. You'd just prefer that your telecoms be fucking wide open to a hostile foreign government. Fucking insane.

It’s revenue neutral for them. You people are fucking insane. 

Except that they won’t and it’s a public safety issue. Public safety is fundamentally a government issue, not a private business issue. Sometimes that means regulating the private businesses. Sometimes that means funding them to do things in a way that best serves the public trust.

They look fine.

Curious to see how it performs since my hype for it has died completely.

It actually looks more like a derelict Star Destroyer tumbling through space.

Have you ever heard of anyone being punished for misuse of the DMCA? Not me.

It’s the only good one. Even then, good is kind of generous.

I’m kinda shocked by how much Tom Holland looks like Michael J. and Robert Downey looks like Lloyd.

It would have taken like a quarter as many words put into Google to get informed about the subject, than it took to write this tweet and look like an imbecile.

Playing some Final Fantasy XIV

I’m still running some really old shit on Win 10, including Acrobat 8 and Photoshop CS2, which pre-date Win 7. I haven’t had any compatibility issues that I can think of.

I’m still not entirely sure I like The Mandelorian. Obviously still waiting to see the conclusion but in an 8 episode season, there already appears to be at least 2 filler eps and that seems bad for the sustainability of the series. I’d be more invested in The Baby Yoda show.

Why yes, I would love to continue making inexplicable amounts of money from this property that nobody gives half a crap about outside of video games. Just tell me where to sign.
