
For just a second, I thought Sebastian Stan was wearing a tricorne hat

Holy shit that Estinien costume is incredible.

I assumed he was waiting for that sequel to Fern Gully so he could rip it off wholesale.

If the result of this was for the sponsors to pull their money and the show to end, I would hail these folks as heroes.

What an interesting fellow.

Pretty obvious that the next Kill Bill would be Beatrix vs. Vernita Green’s kid, no? Maybe BB vs. Nikkia?

It kind of blows my mind that Dreams was announced before the platform was released and is barely making it out before the end of the platform’s life. Yet it was not made by Square Enix. 



Shame those billions of dollars can’t buy another vote, eh Bill?

I expect a lot of people upset that Mai Shiranui isn't going to be in Smash Bros fall into this group.

It’s getting to a point where I am not only weirded out by, but now growing increasingly distrusting of people who are a bit too into Japan.

Yeah, but they never 8 kun in their life.

Every Mixer stream I’ve ever watched:

Just because there’s not even any attempt at artistic license. It’s just a big spider. It’s lazy and unimaginative. There are literally no rules in creating an alien creature and all you can come up with is a spider? I’m not sure you’re really taking advantage of the creative process there. Can the spider not at least

Actually, aside from Humans and humanoids, Star Wars is generally pretty cognizant of this and try very hard to really think outside the box in terms of their creature creation. Sarlaccs, Rancors, The Hutts, Rathtars, Porgs, Ewoks and the majority of alien races; All extremely imaginative and deliberately alien.

Sorry, someone already beat you to that point.

That’s a totally fair rebuttal

It’s just a lack of imagination. I understand convergent evolutionary traits.. but these are full-on spiders.

Earth fauna as alien creatures makes no sense.