

We should all be so lucky.

Setting aside the fact that this is obvious bullshit.. How does this square philosophically with competitive gaming? Precognition of any description is tantamount to aim assist. How do you preserve the integrity of competition while meaningfully altering the inputs of players?

Think I’m going to finish Link’s Awakening then get back to Dragon Quest XI. 

I was thinking the original LoZ.. not necessarily in this art style (although that would be just fine by me) but structurally and mechanically. I really love the feel of this take on the top-down Zelda experience.

Did they forgot the term was deplorable? Or do they just feel despicable is more accurate? More marketable? 

I just turned the music off.

Continuing Dragon Quest XI. Maybe picking up Link’s Awakening.

At this rate, I’d say it will be 3-5 years for the next episode. This one was announced almost 5 years before its release date. Almost 5 years to remake Midgar...

Since Io is larger than our moon, a comparable distance from the planet and Jupiter is farther from the sun, this should be a total solar eclipse from a Jovian’s perspective.


Somebody came in that thing. Of that we can be certain.

They must have uploaded the pee tape.

Not only is this not further proof that RDR2 will be on PC, there is no proof at all. Because it will never be on PC.

I did not enjoy Ni No Kuni II but I am thrilled that the first game has been future-proofed on PC so I can play it with my son in the future.

Put these assholes in the juicer and squeeze them dry.

This series is going to be split between platform generations and will be a disaster, if it’s ever finished at all.. which it will not be.

I decided to give the game a try over the weekend with the music turned off and I was finally able to get invested in the game. 

I too want things that cannot be possessed.

There is literally no amount of money that any other team could offer that would make up for the shortfall in endorsement money if he left Toronto. There is zero financial benefit to signing elsewhere. Also he wants to play in Toronto and everyone knows it. He has zero leverage. They could strongarm him into an 8 year