
This is untrue. The law says such groups cannot endorse people or parties. Issues, such as climate change, are fair game. This wouldn’t hold up to a legal challenge.

Randy Pitchford belongs in prison.

Probably.. Mixer is worthless... but not Microsoft.

I’ve been a PlayStation guy since the first one. FFVII got me to jump ship from Nintendo and the N64 not having many great games helped. I think the PS2 is my favorite console ever and I even loved the PS3 from the get-go.

I’ve seen her do so many of these that I get the feeling that she has far too much time for internet creeps. These aren’t off the cuff rants at idiots. It seems to be an integral part of her show. Although well produced, it’s just ceding attention and giving the creeps what they want. But the audience digs it, so good

Sorry to jump ahead off-topic but I feel like Blitzball is more like underwater Rugby. It being full contact and the ball being carried.

Anymore? Never cared.

How old is that picture? 12 years?

Crash shouting through a megaphone at competitors is kinda nostalgic. 

As a Canadian myself, I say fuck TSN and every pundit they put on television. Nothing but whiny little prats, with only the exceptions of Ray Ferraro and Andi Petrillo.

It looks like just about a 0% chance of anything beyond Midgar being done in this release. And anything beyond that probably doesn’t get released until the next console generation, if at all.

The one on the right looks better to me.

Okay, now it’s officially a video game movie.


I see Nick Fury has noticeable scratch scars above his eye that have never appeared before.

I love that “Hand Pass Type A” can be reviewed but “Hand Pass Type B” cannot be reviewed despite being reviewed a million times before the end of the broadcast.

I wonder if they’ve developed anything outside Midgar.

I will say this: they tend to do a little more research, perhaps, on the effect of various medical procedures or whatever.”

It’s embarrassing how much better that looks. To be clear, this would not redeem the film even one bit but holy shit did they whiff on that character design.

The church could fund the full scale restoration with cash.