
I wonder if they could convince Taito to add Puzzle Bobble/Bust-A-Move.. because damn.. would buy so hard.

I really love it too.

Yep. It’s a tough, physical and tense game that is definitely going to push people over the line some times, it’s unavoidable in these situations. But to let those players continue playing in that game is ridiculous and long passed due for change. We’re starting to see some change in the lower tier leagues but nothing

I watched my uncle take down Tyson as a kid. Took him a few tries but he got ‘em.

I think you’d need to be stoned with power to come up with this one.

This is so dumb, especially considering the immense love those games were just given by the developer.

Doesn’t just make more sense to charge more on Steam? That way you can turn discontent against the platform, rather than letting the platform turn discontent against the developer?


No. No Pepsi. Ever. Fuck Pepsi.

I just want 3 cheeseburgers and a coke.

Too late. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

No, it’s the way I describe people’s ability to reason objectively slipping away.

Could be but he seemed like a legit solid dude while he was developing the game. 

I have the same theory.

It’s possible that his sudden wealth and increased isolation has been the largest contribution to his cognitive decline.

Last time I waited for an hour to get in to watch a Jays’ game, having arrived 20 minutes before the first pitch, I decided I didn’t like baseball nearly enough to go through that again.

Oh man that’s incredible.

Fantastic album.

They asked and begged and pleaded for Viera, an existing feminine race with no gender, basically since day 1. They get what they ask for and immediately hate it.

This is a PC platform right? It’s not going to support God of War and Zelda, or emulation, presumably? It seems likely it will only support games developed for PC or possibly Android.