
I find the notion of “respecting” Scorsese’s legacy while editing his film to be an interesting perspective.

That dickbag is the definition of insanity.

Really into Final Fantasy XI on the Nasomi community server right now. Also kinda feeling like starting up a fresh run of Breath of the Wild or jumping back into AC: Odyssey. 

Fucking scum.

I don’t think the average Steam user gives half a damn about Half Life.

That’s my preferred usage and the one I’ve always associated with the band.

I love not having any skin in the game and can just enjoy a solid right hook to the cheek bone.

Ni No Kuni 2.

Is there any reason to secure the device? It’s an open source emulator. 

Exclusivity is anti-consumer and shouldn’t be lauded.

Spoilers: It’s a rock.

It looks like if he wasn’t holding on to begin with, he’d just have been left behind. By 20 feet off the ground, if you’re holding your full weight.. just let go.

I don’t use or own a headset of any kind other than some bluetooth earbuds that happen to also contain a microphone.

When Square Enix told Sony they would be cancelling the FF7 remake, Sony decided they didn't want to be the host of the impending gamer riot.

Old White Dude to the rescue!

Oh Bethesda...

Oh Bethesda.. 

One wonders how EA feels about this message considering they make a licensed NHL game just outside Vancouver. I expect some corporate push back.

Great and all but Sony’s ps1 digital sales kind of makes this... pointless? I suppose it’s probably a better value than buying all the titles separately. Particularly if you really love the pre-Dualshock controller.

Anyone figured out how cloud saves work? I’m assuming it’s a single instance of your whole system’s flash that overwrites itself every sync. So it won’t actually fix the problem of multiple saves in a single game.