
It certainly evoked FFVI when I played it.

Maybe I’m wrong but it seems to me that programmers working on two similar-but-unrelated projects will still code them more or less identically. Even if starting from scratch the second time.

Way to go Caps. Way to go Ovi. Let all 200 Hockey Men™ eat shit and die for ever condescending you. All time great.

We don’t want him here either. Stay home Drumpf. You’re not actually welcome here.

A gay man wouldn’t stand much of a chance at winning the throne of Evangelistan

True, but I’ve definitely farted hard enough to cause significant injury.

Lots of rules are allowed to be circumvented by people with disabilities.

He’s got golf clubs

She’s not dead but I bet she’s recovering from a couple black eyes and a fractured orbital. She might also be dead.

She’s the ghastly troll. Ignore her.

Sometimes it’s an individual game that is addictive, not the medium.

Is that a Super Scope?

Ostensibly you’d need to acquire the game in order to piggy back on the emulator, no? Ripping it out and releasing it standalone seems... dubious.

You are racist, whether negatively or not. You assume certain actions/behaviour should be default for certain races. RACE-IST.

It is good but doesn’t feel like an MGS game. Feels like someone making an MGS-like game.

Can anyone stop Vegas? We’ll see.

Sometimes you get lucky even when you don’t know it.

“Playing time” is the amount of time the game is loaded. No actual playing required.

They paid 1.2M and GOT nothing. There is a difference.

Cloud backups aren’t real backups.