
Dude, if the entire point of this article is “Don’t buy the game or you’ll support a TERF,” then I think, “Why are you telling me that on a platform run by another person you think should be run out of town (or more simply: be consistent)” is a pretty strong argument.

I’m pretty sure the Venn diagram of people who hate Rowling and hate Elon Musk has a lot of overlap.

But the proverbial goomba in the room is, of course, Chris Pratt’s Mario voice. The clip is almost like it tries to cut around it,

A star for you, sir or madam.

You have no business telling trans people how they should talk about transphobia.

If you look at that header picture long enough, you can hear her say, “Hullo, I amuh uh Vampyurr.”

Agreed, especially since we just learned that the late William Hurt’s role as Thunderbolt Ross is being recast with Harrison Ford. Why are we treating Chadwick like he’s the greatest actor on Earth, or even the lynchpin of the MCU?

Later while playing she says that tests conducted on her while in hospital revealed that she had been unknowingly pregnant at the time of the injury, but then lost the baby due to the surgery required on her spine:

Thank you for the link.

I really hope you get about 300 stars for this. You especially hit the nail on the head that Swift is in a profession where the slightest bit of paunch will not only affect her career, but also lead to a flood of tabloid covers crucifying her for “letting herself go.” Practically everyone in the country wishes they

I don’t want to pretend that my whim is at all important, but please consider this comment a single thumbs-down on the practice of making a “first look” video game article that’s mostly just doomsaying a part of real life that some people experience.

Madam, if you are the one who first brings things to light, you have to accept that people will defend themselves from your accusations (even if they’re true) and keep doing so. Getting to talk first often means foregoing getting the last word in too, because you otherwise look like a pain throwing a tantrum and

Isn’t the party line that Hurt’s action were “not in the name of the Doctor” and thus shouldn’t count? But of course we might be talking about regenerations a Time Lord is typically allowed. But of course, the War Doc’s creation was tied to that special potion Dr. 8 drank, so that might have bought an extra regen...

We all agree that S2 of Daredevil comparatively sucked, but if someone wrote a list of the top 100 seasons of TV drama, S1 and S3 of Daredevil would both belong on there.

As for Luke Cage, I’m glad other people like it so much. Iron Fist was bad, but at least I found a way to finish S1. Couldn’t do it with Luke Cage.

True facts. I learned about that way too late, especially considering Rock Sling is pretty OP even in the right hand.

For those wondering, like me: She’s 4'11". I assume that’s where “fun size” comes from. I only skimmed the article, but I don’t think it’s mentioned.

George Clooney played Stan’s dog on South Park IIRC, and his only lines were “woof”. He’d be more than perfect for this.

The modern stuff was one of the reasons I ditched the series. The last game I enjoyed, Rogue, was a fun, open world of adventure... and then I moved the plot forward too much and my present-day character had to go down to the computer room in his office and hit some buttons before I could go back to assassinating.

Your body will no longer be able to host any cells with non-self DNA.”

Whoops, you just nuked your gut biome, and now will very surely die.

I was surprised as soon as I heard it was appearing on Netflix. I thought, “Oh, Netflix? The place where shows that want to go for seven seasons and write accordingly get routinely axed after two? Because no one is getting a Netflix account to watch season three of a show?” But if you really want it made somewhere, I