
4real. I just showed my ma this article and she said she’d kick that girls ass morning, noon and night!

To provide an update. The charges were increased to include hate crime due to bias or bigotry. The case was upgraded from community to superior court.

So... Are we even going to address:

haha fair enough, there is no right answer! Just interests me when we make comparative judgements. I recently did the same with Wolf 2/ Destiny 2 even though those are less alike than apparent Journey,Abzu and this new one Oure

Apparently you aren’t the minority in the article lol. I loved the campaign for infinite warfare, as did big game reviewers like ACG. I think the power of the memeforce and backlash from BF1 fanbois ultimately doomed what was a fun and interesting campaign.

I’d go one step further and say this game was written with a strong narrative intent, in places having the gameplay subvert for the sake of the story. The wheelchair sequence early on comes to mind as one of these choices.

I’m curious, if you had never played Journey but played Abzu do you think you would have a more positive opinion of it?

Maybe people don’t understand how bench warrant’s work but it is not at all unusual for a warrant to be issued that isn’t fulfilled for serveral months or longer. Most times they are only filled if the person who has one issued against them happens to run afoul of the police again, and a check is done.

I am officially donesville with this entire administration. No adult voices who I believe of moderating the President. Tillerson, Kelly, Huckabee Sanders, complicity is the least of my issues with these morally bankrupt clowns.

I don’t understand why all these apologies are public to begin with.

Rest assured, if this administration takes steps to fire Robert Mueller this country will explode.

“...she did allow the ban on funds for gender reassignment surgery to stand. “

The contention here, is by who’s measure is success qualified?

I’m sorry for your painful past, DV and abuse sucks the big one. As far as Detroit goes, I don’t think you are missing out on too much, Quantic Dreams games have a pretty specific appeal as they mainly play like a stitched togather tree of quick time events. Some love it, but not my cup of tea.

Really dig the AC 3 art. All of this makes me even more hyped for RDR 2 which I have no doubt will have some absolutely badass women of the wild west.

Abso gorgeous! I really love the sense of light present, highlighting the brown at the edge of their hair. 


Yep, I’d say it;s most similar to Rogue Legacy if you’ve played that.

Those 2D planes 

Dead Cells,Cuphead and Cosmic Star Heroine. I am jack’s raging bile duct, locked out of 95% of my game library due to my gpu dying. Though I will say I’ve been kinda impressed as to what the internal gpu has been able to do