Cognitive Dissident

I’m hoping the movies bring in this newer character from the comics...

On a side note, I have never put any credence in any SW detail that was not specifically spelled out on-screen. In my opinion, Disney’s decision to erase the non-movie canon was wise (don’t flame me!). However, it also reinforces my continuing belief that the only thing that matters is the movies.

Something tells me those two are going to be around for quite some time.

I said this before but it’s worth repeating - this film has had nothing to lose and everything to gain by waiting. Channing Tatum has spent that time in interesting or fun rolls, charming the hell out of those of us more skeptical of his casting. Fox has had the success of Deadpool, Logan and Kingsman to give it the

By the look of that picture, I Don’t know if I’m ready for Remy “ The Beefcake” LeBeau.

After a long, long series of terrible life choices I have found myself “employed” as an Uber driver in Dallas for the last couple of years. There are 4 types of passengers - ones that barely acknowledge the driver, ones that ask the same few stock questions about Driving for Uber, ones that engage in smart,

So I like the NFL again? This is getting exhausting.

I’m a strong, strong proponent of liveblogging bowel movements

You know how fucking morons keep saying that if these athletes don’t want to stand for the anthem, they can move to another country?

I 100% understand the mentality of a Trump supporter. I really do.

This is pretty much self-evident. I think it was a Pew study that showed that people almost always choose their political affiliation over their religion. In other words, if they get a new pastor or spiritual leader who disagrees with their politics, they’ll leave the church before they’ll switch their party and in

1. I have diarrhea right now.

We don’t need tiny houses to fix our housing problems. We need efficient land use (ie, less car infrastructure and smaller lots) and a social mindset change. Remember, a huge segment of our population raised whole nuclear families in 900sq.ft. homes. Just imagine not being chained to a massive mortgage and all the


Settlers of Catan needs someone trading Wool (Sheep) for Wool (Sheep). It’s a good joke.

Dwarf planets are the nicest celestial bodies. Any time you have a question they’re always asking “Haumea help you?”

Er...the reason the establishment has been fucking us over is at the behest of these business execs and the donations of their corporate interests. All you’re doing is cutting out the middle man.

I hear you, but the alternative to politics-as-usual shouldn’t be enshrining corporate practices, which have also, to borrow your phrase, been “fucking over the citizens of this country without lube” since time began.

The myth of the Great Business Leader Who Will Run Government Like A Business never dies—just like all those other idiotic myths like trickle down economics. Every time one of these assholes gets elected on that basis, they immediately fuck everything up, after which the continued excuse is that this Great Business

It’d have to be, right? Since planets with more than one climate aren’t really a thing.