Cognitive Dissident

You’re missing the most important question:

I saw it in 3D Imax. Yowza 😍

I really wanted to see Blade Runner 2049 this weekend but couldn’t because of schools. It’s around midterm week, and a 3 hour film (with about half an hour of trailers these days) is a lot of time out of the weekend.

This does feel a little contradictory, considering every film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is crafted to lead into another one, even when it’s at the expense of the story (like with The Avengers: Age of Ultron).

Whether 2049 gets a sequel (or a franchise???) doesn’t matter. It was a worthy sequel, and I was someone who was appalled by the idea of a Blade Runner sequel.

Hey! Her eyes aren’t green. Deckard you stone cold MF.

Oh, you mean the world where Pan Am and Atari still exist?

I’ve been dying to talk about this movie, saw it yesterday and I’m just gonna say it. It’s way better than the first one. I absolutely loved every single minute of it’s generous run time.

That Hulk/Thor grappling there is going to go to some NSFW places fast in the wrong hands (or the right hands, depending). So, brace yourselves, my fellow nerds, geeks, and general fanboys, fangirls, and fantransgendereds; we might just get ourselves some fascinating Thulk fanfic/fanart out there.

The lover’s embrace between Thor and Hulk is awesome. Get that ass, Hulk!

I can easily imagine Loki wandering around, yelling “Hot dogs! Get yer hot dogs!”

Obligatory, this is part of why Marvel is killing it while DC movies aren’t. Also... I feel weird feeling THIS excited for a Thor Movie that looks THIS fun... While I know there is a whole marketing team to thank for awesome things like this, I really feel like Taika Waititi just gets it! I may have unrealistic

(It’s linked, but still needs to be posted everywhere.)

I love that Thor and Hulk are hugging each other in this poster.

Fantastic, but still pales in comparison to this:

Saw this back in the theaters when it was first released.

The first time I saw Screamers, I was like eight, and when “David” started screaming and showing the buzzsaws in his mouth I, well, screamed. And ran into my bedroom.

Love this movie, Ancient Roman historian Peter Weller does such a great job with his character.