
Looks like there’s a skilled White House Communicator waiting in the wings

I’m fine with this as long as it’s tonally and story appropriate. Had I watched Spiderman and he and Iron Man were never actually in a scene together, then yeah, I’d be upset - especially if I had watched it for that reason. But if I watch that and feel it’s a sensible thing the characters would do, just not in the

That’s more than enough evidence for Michael Bay to write a script.

So was the iceberg a Decepticon?

I think Michael Bay always nods off during the opening of the original show..

Jumping on the shared universe bandwagon, Gearbox Software has given an update on the interconnected film adaptations of two of their most popular game franchises.

Yeah, but I mean... Bane? Not CGI, but not exactly exemplifying his handsomeness with that face mask

Thank you. Came here for this. Been going to Montana’s for years and I never recalled pizza on the menu, nor have I ever considered getting pizza from a Western-themed “BBQ & Bar” restaurant.

I’ve noticed it more and more recently this year. The Expanse has started slipping in up to 3 per episode, which I thought was impressive. But this just takes things off the rails.

I agree.

Not that Wikipedia is a bastion of credible facts:

“As Caillou appeared as a much younger child in the original line of children’s books, the character originally had no hair. When illustrators found that adding hair made the character unrecognizable, it was decided that Caillou would never have hair.” 

They clearly ran out storage space for the Scrooge McDuck-like money they made 8 years ago and decided to spend it by asking a focus group from the past.

I think what is most upsetting to me is the ham-fisted writing set up of:

- Boss sees an ad for Mermaid Elixir

Snyder must have flipped passed a documentary on bio-luminescence and just assumed the whole ocean was lit like an 80's club.

I think in labouring to set up your own point, you left a category out: is it a show based on a comic book?

I did find that scene a little strange too, but if I have to provide any reason for it, it’s this:

This definitely circumvents the copyright issue in a few ways

You could do another colour, but then you start treading on other territory, like the Blue Cross of Canada

I feel like True Detective (especially Season 1) definitely fits into the Southern Gothic genre.

I happily own one of these. It’s a hit at parties. Also, a surefire way to fend off invading terrorists.