The Knitigator

I think that’s really the heart of it - that I know I have a lot to offer, but that there are some things that won’t be a good fit for everyone. That’s why I never took rejection personally.

Well yeah, good point. I think your point about how people have “changed” their fundamental natures - for example, that people are more narcissistic - I disagree with that. But a big part of this has shifted the power imbalance that has always been in favor of men: men are the ones who pursue; women are expected to

I don’t feel like this is anything new, though... I mean, Menelaus started a war because Helen liked Paris’s wee-wee more...

Second this, I went on first dates based not at ALL on looks, but based on an overall balanced look of education, interesting profile, and competence in conversation. I went on dates with everyone from the really dumb but SUPER hot cop (two dates was all I could handle) to the really not that good looking PhD/med

I get that ghosting is the worst, but when I tried this “be direct” approach to rejection, I was insulted like you would. not. believe. by other adults. Like I would say, “I’m not really interested in a second date, but thank you for asking” and they’d ask why, and I’d tell them, and then all of a sudden I’m a raging

I recently started bullet journaling because, after some fairly significant life events, I had gone from a top performer at work to middle of the pack. I also got a prescription for ADHD medication, which helps bridge the gap but isn’t a fix-all. I agree with your assessment that physically writing things down and

Ok, thanks for confirming - I thought I had heard that about lactic acid. Either way, yeah, it makes sense that extra water would help. I mean, like I said, it isn’t like it’s going to harm anything - I drink based on thirst response and urine color (“light straw”) so it’s not like I’m going to mess up my kidneys. :)

I know the jury is probably out on this, but since we all used to think that DOMS was caused by buildup of lactic acid in the muscles, I focus really hard on hydrating well when I’m sore. I’m not talking about drinking a gallon in 8 hours, just making sure I’m sipping water all day. I also swear by lean protein, too.

Same here - mine usually isn’t too bad, particularly since I’ve started working with a trainer. It’s a reminder that yes, I am pushing myself as hard as I need to in the gym, because I often fall into the trap of thinking (being a competitive perfectionist) that I am not trying hard enough because I’m lazy.

That /would/ be a possibility for some people, but I’m already established in civil litigation, and that would probably require networking and contacts that I simply don’t have, not to mention that I’m not more interested in getting up after 9 AM than I am in networking in a highly competitive area of the law. I mean

I’ll get right on that right after I go back to school, because I mean, f**k this law degree amirite? I am not really directing this at you, and while you’re correct, unfortunately changing jobs/careers is reeeeally hard for some of us.

Thank you for living this experience so that we don’t have to.

I can relate to this soooo much. When it happened (after 14 years and with absolutely no warning), I thought my breakup was the worst possible thing that had ever happened to me. Each passing day, I began to realize that I have freedom I didn’t even realize I had given up, that I am accountable to no one and

It’s such a nice reminder that our idols are human

Don’t forget a thigh gap, perky breasts at 50, a tan, no wrinkles, a high sex drive, a sophisticated wardrobe, appropriate hobbies, community service, a social life, an organized house, home-cooked meals every night...

The only “all” I want to have is yarn.

Good lord; I’m so sorry to hear this from you guys. At a college fair, the Yale table (staffed by a teacher who went there on an athletic scholarship) told me “Yale only accepts athletes, legacies, and geniuses” and that if I wasn’t one of those, to move along. I was in the top 10 out of a class of 325 students. Our

This is why you should cook/bake liberally with booze. Ethanol-soaked cakes seemingly never go bad, particularly when left in the fridge (to give me extra time with my rum cake). Although I have to admit that savory dishes cooked with wine, particularly soups, smell weird as hell before you warm them up.

Okay - I have no idea how I missed like half the DMA collection?  I guess it’s time for a return trip! 

But see, your approach requires common sense as well as a thoughtful reading of the actual scripture itself, not entitlement and cherrypicking, so, that’s where the disconnect is