
Brassy redhead acerbic enough to date a guy made of rocks? Yeah, Natasha tracks. 

I’m also middling on Capaldi’s run so after 10 years or so in the wilderness, “return to form” is a pretty hopeful sign

Doctor Who, both classic and new have a long tradition of the Doctor breaking the fourth wall from time to time, starting all the way back with Hartnell wishing viewers at home a merry Christmas. Tom Baker regularly delivered lines of dialog straight to camera, and Capaldi had some quiet lengthy bits of exposition

I’d say that the comics are a bit different from the movie, but not that different, and still of their time as well.

Edgar Wright is one of a few people who might be able to make something relevant of that IP. I’m picturing a mash between grindhouse throwback and dry British wit in a very self-aware movie. 

I’m not a simple man, unfortunately for me sometimes.  But thanks!  ^_^!

“Return to form, with enhancements from a massive infusion of cash” is probably about where I’m landing. I don’t think either episode was particularly great (I didn’t especially like a lot of the RTD era on the first g0-round) but it’s leagues better than what Chibnall was serving up. If it’s froth, at least it’s

Apparently, caring about Doctor Who, or any Western media in general, is sooo 2014 now, according to the whippersnapper I talked to this morning.

Doctor Who - I mean this, you can watch very old episodes to prove it - used to be mostly science fiction, with a little psionics thrown in. Not magic, not gods, not ridiculous and empty crap for stupid people.

I thought the metaphor in "The Devil's Chord" was the conservative British government trying to kill off the BBC and the arts in general. But YMMV.

Well, not always...

I love the Mad Max franchise, and loved Fury Road, but my only complaint is how cartoonish the new movies look because of the CGI. I loved the over exposed look of originals, they looked burned out and forlorn, now its so peppy and the dynamic range is so wide, its beautiful, but just too cartoony for me in that

There’s also a Babe prequel to be made. Or sequel, I guess. Babe had to have been one of the pigs in Bartertown.

I mean, yeah, go for it, we’re all on board over here. But —and this is just a thought— why not combine the wildly different genres he’s worked on? Imagine:

As seen in Captain America and the Winter Soldier, those wings are pretty handy when it comes to protection.

and the wings! 

A new Peter Beagle novel is always cause for celebration.

This is usually where I post my (very rough) rankings and (very brief) reviews of all the Hugo and nebula nominated novels.

The idea that it took all ST series a year was earned by TNG and DS9, but hasn’t really held true since then. Both shows took a year to find themselves.

“I got caught up in the improv and the wackiness, and I became a parody of myself,” Hemsworth recently told Vanity Fair of his performance in the film. “I didn’t stick the landing.”