
It’s going to be 90 minutes of rumbling with a dark screen and occasional flashes of light. Then at the end, it will be really hard to get out of your theater seat if you are over 30.

Err no he didn’t “think of everything” . He read the book. He did a really good job of adapting the book, and of explaining the source material, but none of those examples are things which Villeneuve has added to the canon. They’re all right there for all to see, right in the text. You could perhaps argue that Frank

Friends don’t let friends go to the end of Children

Nah. I’m pretty sure it went something like this:

Yeah, at the very least I was hoping that Rebel Moon would have a 1980s Heavy Metal feel to it, but visually the movie was a complete drag, everything looked like an asset flip from a cheap Steam game.

Yeah, that scene makes me really leery of what’s in the unrated version.

Snyder seems like the kind of guy who likes Dune because he thinks Paul is a badass and also there are giant worms that swallow dozens of people.

Reminded of Elliott Kalan’s comments from the Flop House episode about the movie that the writing had the quality of Bronze Age Marvel comics, where every single issue would have some expositional dump about the characters, their powers, and the overall storyline for the benefit of readers who were picking up a series

This looks like a cutscene from the game of the movie. The PS3 game of the movie.

I feel like I could have written this review without watching the movie(s). That’s not a slight on the review, but the source material. I’m fascinated by guys like Snyder and Bay. Are their worlds so insular that they don’t hear these same criticisms over and over about their movies? Even if I was someone who wasn’t

Like a more boring, less scrutable version of Inception.

So no justice for spider lady in this movie either? Not interested then.

1) Seven Samurai
2) The Magnificent Seven
3) A Bug’s Life.
4 through n) Every other movie that uses this trope

For the most part, I kind of liked the first one.
The attempted-rape scene, though, pretty much ruined it.

Have you ever considered the possibility that this is the best the tech will ever look, sans direct human intervention? Especially now that LLMs are being fed on “synthetic data” from other models because there’s not enough real data to work with? Look up “Hapsburg AI.”

The whole point of advertising, whether you like ads or not, is to get people interested in something, and if the ads look like shit that’s a problem for both the advertisers and the people being advertised to.

Go be a cunt somewhere else, universalamander.

Yes came here to ask what percentage of users are actually complaining?
A few moaners on Twitter doesn’t mean anything, and media site like Gizmodo are desperate for content, so just amply the minority.

I have played it since.... (does some bad maths), the 90's when I play Epic Space Marine (god the small figure where

You have to wonder: if this is how they respond to something that is so screamingly obvious a cartoonish parody of Fascism, how do they relate to the real world?

The problem isn’t that 40K’s satire isn’t obvious, it always has been, the problem is that the internet has led to the amplification of the ideas of people whose ideas are so extreme they used to be shunned by society; these people don’t see satire, since they actually believe exactly what the satire is satirising.