
the show;s director already said Nova is not happening.

I say this every time, but I really hope she’s not another 21st century English girl. Let her be from another planet, or the future, or the past...anything but another 21st century English girl. 

Y’know, we don’t actually see Cap. We just see the shield. One of the things a lot of people forget is that in the post-apocalyptic future, Cable often carried the shield into battle. With Cable almost certainly involved in the action to come, it wouldn’t surprise me if that’s part of how he makes his entrance.

I read the headline as Dave Bautista being cast as Aang. At first I was like “Whaaaaa?” and then I was like “Yeeeeesssss give it to me”. Then I read that it’s animated and he’ll be voicing a bad guy. Which is fine. Henry Rollins made a great bad guy. Hope it doesn’t suck.


You’d think a sizable amount of people would have at least seen Little Miss Sunshine.

I was pretty indifferent on the Glen Powell news, but Edgar Wright is making this?

Even better, Keenan Thompson as Steve Harvey! 

Also Pedro’s sister is trans

Oh hell yes.

oh no....

Oh sweet irony that your comment was in the greys...

She was exhilarated when Disney decided not to renew her contract, she celebrated with multiple tweets about how she’s free now.

You are still making a false assertion to tar a company that you see as “anti-conservative” when you need to realize that corporations aren’t actually liberal or progressive, they are at best moderate.

Disney wants consumers to buy it’s products, pay for it’s content, and visit it’s parks. The various minority groups

The other stupid thing here is that the anti-discrimination protection is for actual political activity—joining the board of a political non-profit, endorsing a candidate, appearing in an ad for an issue—not being a shitposting edgelord on twitter. Comparing the persecution of Jews during the holocaust to being asked

Every time I come here and read some of the dumbest shit possible, I inevitably look at the user name and see that it’s you. So congratulations, I guess.

Your point doesn’t stand. You should actually read stuff rather than just getting your opinions from TikTok mate.

It makes perfect sense that someone with absolutely no understanding of false equivalency or context would completely and utterly get his facts wrong in their effort to “own the libs.” You people are truly sad. But always amusing.

You’re point that Disney hired Brian Peck, which they didn’t do?

I thought X was pretty good, did not care for Pearl, but I’m all-in on this one.