
I was here for the Kinjapocalypse and I will be here for the Pasturrection. 

I believe those kinds of sequels exist, but like you, I’m having difficulty coming up with one. I agree that Jurassic Park / World is the closest.

Fingers crossed for whatever the 7th movie in that franchise becomes. 

I am a HUGE Mojoverse fan and I’m freaking out over here.

Man, I used to like Wendys....dead to me now. 

I hope Perlmutter feels completely humiliated by his failure here.

It’s not a good movie, but I feel like the hatred for it is all out of proportion with the historical realities. At the time of its development and production, Mario and his world had only ever been depicted in-game as low-res 2D sprites. Any live-action, big-budget cinematic adaptation was going to take massive

I feel like Zaslav is discovering that Warner Bros. is a studio with dozens of classic films and not that many viable Disney-scale franchises. The DC Universe is a bust and I don’t think Gunn and a new Superman movie will be able to revive it. Looney Tunes is basically dead and Zaslav killed it. Harry Potter and

I know the knee-jerk reaction is to hate this. BUT Goddard is awesome and this could be great from him.

Also, Resurrections was STRANGE but I really appreciate that film.

EDITTING to add, Goddard was heavily involved in The Good Place and he made Cabin in the Woods. When you strip away the facade of each of those, they

It’s not difficult to see that sort of hesitant faithfulness in the game adaptations we’re getting in ways—like Fallout’s desire to pitch-perfectly replicate power armor and pip boys to be just so. There’s certainly pitfalls to such rigidity

Yep, by all accounts, Paramount suits were going to power through just as they did with the reviled TMNT designs of the Bay-produced movies, chalking it up to salty fans and thinking kids wouldn’t care.

fifth film in the highly successful sci-fi series”

I know this isn’t the way the film industry likes to operate, but the thing about movies like the first Matrix is that they’re lightning in a bottle. And no matter how many sequels you make, you’re never going to able to recapture it. And the most you belabor the point, the more you hurt the name.

What’s interesting is that in this case, they didn’t change the design because of fan backlash. They fully expected the fans to hate it, but for some bizarre reason they were convinced that general audiences would embrace the new direction. It was only after the design was rejected by basically everyone else, (the

Religion is scary.  Religious people too.

Reject Modernity, Embrace the Weird:

Now playing

Man, I sure hope they hire Bernard Spockman to write the new Star Worlds.

These guys used to fantasize that Lucas was going to come back and save the franchise (or even buy it back, lol), but following the Peltz debacle they realize he was part of the Dread Woke Brigade™ all along. It must be devastating for them. I guess they’ll have to settle for a new, less PC franchise like Star Trek tha

It’s like finding out that a vending machine actually has a poor person locked inside it that is forced to take money and send out the right drink. Incredibly dystopian.

It’s especially funny that this story exposes how the tech didn’t really work on it’s own and they had to employ a small army of people to make it seem like it worked, yet the writer still called it amazing tech ahead of it’s time. 

Just Walk Out, whose impressive technology was truly ahead of its time.