
Could not agree more on thor

“she’s into whips and brains”....I stole that from the forthcoming zombinatrix film.

Congratulations, I think you win i09. Kindly return it to it’s former glory, Thank you

They’ll pull a Ghostbusters and make her transgender so that when the show is terrible they can just say we hate it for having a trans character​ and not because it’s really a Trainwreck.

Honestly I don’t think it’s really enhancing diversity either. Making a woman thor, aka empowering a woman with a man’s identity doesn’t make sense. Give sif her own story, make falcon an important character instead putting him in a white guys costume and saying look how progressive we are.

Leaving out facts is kind of what i09 is all about these days. If people are not buying these titles, they are not selling well, it’s a fact not some marvel is racist agenda. I stopped buying Thor because they don’t have Thor in it. I liked some of the female led books, just Thor is Thor end of story. I09 would just

While I didn’t really care for the new run that’s the same reason I always loved her as Oracle. Terrible tragedy happened yet she remained dedicated and not only came back but was more effective under her own power.

I like George too, she’ll always be may from dark city to me (and not for the obvious reason) I love her “aw shoot”. I also had the biggest sweet on for Mack, she’s one of the few high points in the Smallville I’ve seen. Didn’t she retire from acting over stuff like that?

(cries tears of acceptance)

This will either be great or I’ll die huffing Summer’s Eve. I can’t tell which. The few times I can do sappy romance is when it’s supernatural death stuff (most blitzkid songs on the subject).

Willow and Tara are great for so many reasons but they were before the “ we need to fill our hashtag criteria” craze. They were gay but it felt natural and not exploitive in either way. Plus they are just fantastic characters.

Does this mean I still have a chance? I’m taller than Warren...

Even though I’m sure he didn’t mean anything by it I still mentally fist bumped him for that. I hate the alien appeasement stuff. I want less star wars more Lord of the rings from my Thor film.

Yeah, I thought she was fine. Granted I never cared for the love story between Sydney and Vaughn I just liked the spy stuff. I still wouldn’t be a dick about what a character did, otherwise id be ball kicking James marsters.

I remember the alias fans booing the girl with came between the lead characters out of a convention. She was in tears from what I heard. That’s nuts.

I hated it the second I started hearing fans go on about it. Partially because I hate the trope that men and women can’t work together without falling in love.

The fate of Gwen Stacy hanging in the balance

As a big horror fan I still never watched any maniac cop film but refn and brubaker?!?! I’ll damn sure watch these.

Looking at Julia sans skin would give Dean the weirdest boner (which for the record are usually the best boners 😋)

“tuskin world” he takes a young han under his wing after they are killed by tuskin raiders and teaches him how to survive....It’ll be as terrible as zombie land but in spaaaaaace