
I don’t know, is using Carmelo on defense ever a smart move?

Most people already know those words. But your comment does raise an interesting question: Did you have to look up the word “thesaurus”? I’m only asking because you seem kind of intimidated by people who have an average adult vocabulary.

Yep. And also vodka

“came and erected a tent.”

What’s worse, is all they offer to drink is crab juice or Mountain Dew.

ever see The Arrival with Sheen from the late 90s?

No. It’s literally a meatball pie.

I don’t mind the idea behind “flexitarian”...but it’s just the dumbest term that doesn’t need to exist.

Ideally, if I could survive on an all-meatball diet with no ill effects, that would be acceptable.

Count me in as one of those flexitarians: I think meat is great, but I’m perfectly willing to cut my meat consumption by 50% or more if these plant-based burgers can replicate the taste.

Had an Impossible Burger at Wegmans recently that I thought I’d have hard time telling apart from regular meat burgers. The key is

This is, uh, all wrong

Is mayonnaise ever necessary?

Mustard, onions, sauerkraut. That’s all I need on a sausage.

Let’s not forget Trump’s campaign was built around how shitty America was and he’s the man to fix it. Well, if he doesn’t like America, he and his supporters, according to him, should have left.

He doesn’t want us to talk about his failure at the border, his failure in court, his failure with the census thing, his failure to even get a meeting with Iran with or without preconditions, his failure to win hypothetical election polls against any Democrat, his failure to win hypothetical election polls against

That’s my biggest criticism of fast food sandwiches, the need to drench them in mayo or some mayo based sauce. Arby’s has (had?) a brisket sandwich at one point that was actually quite good for a fast food BBQ sandwich, but they ruined it by unnecessarily drenching it in mayo.

Kevin, I’m scared to ask, but was the mayo at all necessary? Maybe for tanginess? I can’t imagine it’s for moisture (a la fahey’s Arby’s realization on snacktaku), given that it’s soaked in, uh, “Cheetos sauce”. I'm struggling to think of a reason other than "it's standard practice"

I think this is more a condemnation of the quality of their burger meat than it is a testament to the quality of their fake meat.

I mean, Burger King is absolute trash.  I’m not certain I could tell a whopper from a bunch of wood pulp.  And that says more about burger king than plant burgers.

I would love to see his comment history on Pornhub.