
The last time I bought a package of pretzel buns I was so disappointed with the texture that I decided they’d be better used in a panade. I ended up making some weird Swedish meatball/meatloaf inspired dish that included caraway seed, butter sauteed garlic, and a bunch of fried onions that I had just gotten from an

Parmesan cheese is shelf stable but people would probably think I was off my rocker if I were to just randomly produce a shaker full of parmesan, dump some on my palm, and lick it off right there on the spot.

To each their own...

I just had a couple of Hachiya persimmons within the last week or so. I bought a bunch of them back in the fall, waited for them to ripen, and then threw ‘em in the freezer. I’m down to one left, so I’ll have plenty of room to handle this year’s stash. I tend to skip over the persimmons when the summer produce is in

I think the people in the Puget sound area that claim to like fall are confusing late summer for fall and also forgetting that November and December are also fall months and boy do they both suuuuuuuck.

I may never see the light of day in this world you subscribe to.

Wait a minute, who says we have to wait until it’s autumn to break out the cinnamon?

Obesity is also something that’s been largely manufactured as well. It’s so god-damned easy for a person with “normal” genetics to enter into a long-term caloric surplus and gain a whole bunch of weight as a result. Shit, that’s the reason why the obesity rate started ticking up almost immediately after the sugar

Why not split the difference and use something that can act as both the starch and the protein?

I like flat strips because I can assemble them in single layer and evenly distribute nacho toppings without creating a sad pile of naked chips under the fully-dressed top layer. The only problem with strips is that there’s no great bagged tortilla strip that’s widely available (to my knowledge). You just can’t beat

Evolution can only happen when something mutates in a direction that gives the being in question an advantageous ability over other similar beings who’ve yet to mutate. Given that these examples arise from an inability of sorts, I think it’s fair to say that evolution is not what’s happening here - in fact, it’s

Even though these are just old recipes that are being re-highlighted, I’m still disappointed that falafel isn’t one. I’ve done a few variations of falafel and both baked and fried those variations, but I’m open to even more recipes, including air-frying (or in my case, using a convection oven). Plus, falafel is great

A nearby Oktoberfest does a Bavarian-style dinner with a sauerkraut made with pork, apple, and caraway. It’s not an overly sweet sauerkraut, but the funk is dialed down enough to make it an ideal sauerkraut for people who get a little intimidated by sauerkraut. It’s the first sauerkraut I can remember liking (or

I’d totally have one of these and it wouldn’t even feel like a novelty to me. A couple years ago, I got a jar of apple kraut from a shop in Leavenworth, WA. The kraut was sweet, cinnamon-y, and went really well with grilled brats. I’d imagine the apple pie hot dog hits the same notes as those sweet apple kraut brats,

I have a citrus juicer but I hardly ever use it to make juice intended for drinking. To produce ONE glass of non-watered down juice, it takes me at least 5-10 minutes of effort and I end up using what seems like an absurd amount of fruit. At this point, I just use fresh-squeezed juice as a marinade or something to


I think you should replace calorically deficient with nutritionally deficient. When someone enters into a caloric deficit, the body has to make up for that imbalance somewhere and it can only burn stored glycogen and triglycerides. Since there’s roughly 1500 Kcal (or 1-2 hours of moderate to high intensity cardio) of

I feel like a lot of the people who get caught up in the movements you described are “life-longers” or so to speak. The cynic in me can’t help but think that there’s a concerted effort to get people to identify as “a fat person/group A” as opposed to “a person who happens to be fat/group B” because people tend to dig

Can barbeque sauce really be considered a mother sauce if many, many interpretations already contain another sauce that’s on the “mother sauce” list? Ketchup and worcestershire sauce aren’t in every barbeque sauce, but I’ve seen enough Triple D to know that the practice of using them is ubiquitous. I’ve always assumed

In more maritime climates, the mechanics that allow heat waves to develop also depress humidity levels as well. When my neck of the woods (PNW) had our late June heat wave, I got into a little mini-argument with an associate who was freaking out over a forecast of 100F with 30% humidity. I tried explaining to him that