
First off, it’s frustrating when people think things like Peloton bikes are used strictly for weight loss and not for fitness. I live in a shitty northern climate with shitty northern climate winters and I lose fitness just by not being able to get out on the bike as much. It’d be kinda nice to just be able to be able

I’d call garlic pungent, but not necessarily stinky. To me, calling something stinky evokes a comparison to other, less savory things. Like you, I find the aroma of garlic to be enjoyable, but I don’t care much for the aroma of certain cheeses that taste perfectly fine. I try to make sure I don’t leave cotija cheese

I don’t know what to think of Allison’s veggie-roasting technique; on one hand, I like roasting my broccoli until it gets very brown, but there’s a snowball’s chance in hell I’d ever toss the broccoli in mayonnaise beforehand. My favorite way to roast up veggies with is olive oil, salt, microplaned garlic, and red

For me, it’s all about flavor. The color of a particular sauce only indicates the likeliness of a certain sauce containing the “blech three“ of condiments - mayo, sour cream, and ranch. I like yogurt but I don’t like greek-style yogurt because greek-style yogurt is essentially sour cream, which again, is utterly terrib

For me, it’s all about cherries. 

Since this has fresh peppers in it, I’m not sure freezing it would be the best way to go. I tried freezing fresh green jalapenos once before and when they thawed, they were a lot mushier than fresh ones. They weren’t inedible, they just felt much more like a really ripe red pepper instead of a fresh green one with a

Well, if the delivery you expect is terrible, the comparison certainly comports!

I’ll suggest something like chickpea patties. The ones I make are nothing more than chickpeas, onion, garlic, fresh herbs, spices, and salt. They even hold together surprisingly well if you let the chickpea mixture sit for at least 15 minutes after it’s been processed. Just look for baked falafel recipes, it doesn’t

I don’t think I’ve had a Tabasco product in quite some time. My hot sauce rotation consists of El Yucateco green, Cholula chipotle sauce, and Secret Aardvark’s habanero sauce. The best thing about Secret Aardvark is that it has a low enough salt content to the point where it can be used as a dressing for a taco

I guess I’m really, really weird when it comes to sour things. I don’t like soured creams at all but I can easily tolerate (and even enjoy) sucking on both lemons and limes. I seem to remember really liking the sour skittles when they first appeared but I do remember them leaving my mouth feeling like it just got a

I certainly won’t disagree with you here. I think people get this idea where they need to cram a diet into as short of a timeframe as possible, and that just leads to something that’s not gonna be sustainable for very long (even if it’s effective at first).

Maybe I’m alone here, but I kinda feel like people who really indulge in the above reasoning probably shouldn’t be able to turn around and play the victim card or get all defensive when others start pointing out that a bad process might be yielding bad results.

The problem with crash diets is that they’re actually pretty damn effective but also incredibly unsustainable. It’s like a cyclist getting into a sprint right out of the gate; they’ll likely find themselves with a comfortable lead early in the race, but they’re just extinguishing matches in the wind and as soon as the

If you want the items to get bagged in a certain fashion, then you need to communicate it clearly to the person who’s doing the bagging. When I worked at the checkout stand, we were taught to use a method that didn’t have anything to do with the order in which the customer had placed the items on the conveyor belt.

There’s no light beer that’s 5% ABV and 100 calories per 12 ounce can, so White Claw (and other similar brands) has just about the best “Get Drunk, Not Fat” ratio of any canned beverage on the market.

A good blood orange has notes of raspberry or other similar berries. They’re actually quite distinct once you’re able to identify the flavor.

He might wanna rethink that statement unless he thinks it’s his ticket to immortality.

My mother would combine everything at once so by the time the leftovers hit the fridge, there usually wasn’t a lot of sauce hanging around. Whatever was left ended up being a combination of soggy, sauce-drunk pasta laced with chunks of ground beef. I had absolutely no culinary chops at the time so anything that

I’m a side-sleeper, and it’s commonplace for the nostril closest to the ground to be completely plugged up while the other is fine. I’ll switch sides and for a few fleeting seconds, I’ll be able to breathe through two gloriously unobstructed nostrils before the other one initiates the process of mild suffocation all

Tossing the al dente pasta in with the sauce is a boss move, but if you’re planning on having leftovers, make sure to set them aside before you mingle your components together. When I was a kid, my mother could not understand how I could love spaghetti night so much while rarely bothering to eat the leftovers. While it