Yea, don’t want the fall out of the young female of color EMT, or firefighter shot in this situation gone bad.
Yea, don’t want the fall out of the young female of color EMT, or firefighter shot in this situation gone bad.
Guess he shouldn’t of pointed it like a gun, dumb mutherfucker that he is.
Shut up. No one cares. This will always continue to happen so lets drop the kinja rage.
That is because I know if I was ten I’d wanna be Reaper, and he’d be super cool to me, now not so much. Now S76 is the coolest, only because I love fucking action movies.
Hah, oh my text related representation of laughter cannot compare to the legit real life laughter I enjoyed reading this one. Many stars to you!
Seriously? No Marvel vs. Capcom 2? I played that game with a group of my nerdiest friends in high school for taco night. We had yet to discover booze, or 420, we just lived of the high of competitive fighting games, and home made tacos. We also discovered that mustard underneath a friends nose stopped him from…