oh you are so right, the principal was asian..she even had the bangs/bowl haircut ( and well, the eyes)
oh you are so right, the principal was asian..she even had the bangs/bowl haircut ( and well, the eyes)
can i ask you a random question?
eh, the awesome fleeting high is nothing like the suicidal never-ending story come down.
he's just in his own world, and sometimes selfish about those sort of things.
i have a friend who likes to get comfy in MY BED, pick his nose, and crumble the boogers into the folds of my blanket, in MY BED.
hey, as an asian female, i was just glad we even had any sort of representation in this cartoon ( though her voice was eerily similar to phone sex operators )
oh is it up on amazon prime? ( is that what you're referencing?) if yes, holy shit! i've got a lot of you're stepping on my neck LA LA LA LA LA- LA LA LA LA LA to watch.
She's the token black friend white people turn to when people are accusing white people of being racist.
me too. it was the best adult cartoon for that generation.
quin, you've got such big pores. ( 'member?)
awww i have a soft spot in my heart for quinn and the fashion club.
ok i read the whole thread, even the comments in the grey.
ah, i am sorry that happened to you. i can't quite comment without reading the full extent of the threads, but i am familiar with you, and you are most certainly not someone who i think of when i think " who are the asshole-y commenters?" all our exchanges have been quite pleasant, and i've never seen you be a dick to…
what ? you got dismissed? are you sure? it wasn't just during this whole newsfeed fiasco and you actually got dismissed? whatever happened?
yes! he is my little cedric, and in a tux, he is ready to deal you some baccarat.
your family's maxim is a fact.
based on some korean news , apparently one of the stewards didn't open the bag of nuts for her and place it on a dish. then the korean air exec demanded that they bring a guidebook, so she could show them the rules. the guidebook was a digital copy in a samsung ( or LG depending on who owns this airline) tablet. the…
i don't even understand this particular interjection during the commercial. i wasn't sure if it was part of the commercial or a new one.
some?? she didn't press jay on so many issues, her cross didn't seem very effective,she never followed up on the girl in the library, pinging of the wrong cell, I mean her fumbles just seem so sloppy.
Were you never a precocious pre-teen?