
Timed exclusive DLC is dumb. It was dumb when Microsoft started it, and it’s even worse now that Sony has taken it to a ridiculous level (looking at you Destiny).

Modern Warfare was the last Call of Duty game I ever purchased, back when it first launched for the 360. I loved every minute of the campaign, even if it did feel significantly shorter than, say, Call of Duty 2 . Multiplayer was a good time too—particularly after that “last stand” perk (I will never not find stabbing

Who knows? It’s a good article, but it being posted on Kotaku almost makes it seem like some there is some kind of agenda behind it since it is so irrelevant to the core content of the site. Weird.

Why? Because we can’t just have games coverage anymore. No, we have to add on all this dumb SJW crap because the Kotaku writers are dumb SJWs themselves.

Seriously. They keep doing this crap. There are separate sites for a reason, but they have to show how progressive they are. Kotaku’s weird little echo-chamber they create is not bettering humanity, they don’t need to prove their progressiveness.

Why is this shared to Kotaku?

That’s a damn fine looking case, but no hard shell, no sale.

How’s this different from publishing in Kotaku, Gizmodo, etc., where they put click bait headline after click bait headline?

Impatient morons willing to pay the extra price are a scalpers best friend.

Nintendo is scalpers new best friend.

Does Nintendo consider it messing up though? In the past, it was their tactic to intentionally short supply of their product to retailers. It kept the demand high and kept the retailers beholden to Nintendo and whatever strategy they had.

And....just pulled my Amazon PS4 pre-order.

I empathize with the spirit of the article but some small voice in my head parroted the title back as, “someone, somewhere on the internet said something” and I cringed. There is never any shortage of people looking to be outraged about something... and this is pretty low hanging fruit.

I used to street race, play bags (corn hole), 12in softball and etc..... The reason I stopped wasn’t because I was getting bad, I was just sick of all the shit talking. After awhile, you get a feeling that the only reason anyone shows up to play or watch was to shit talk........I wonder if e-sports is/has/or could be

> Then shouldn’t it keep out of how console manufacturers protect their IP and limit third party intrusions into the devices they sell?

“Designed for gamers by gamers.”

Agreed. Japanese bread is really really boring. Their white fluffiness ideal (=rice) means almost all bread is white, fluffy and freed from most fibers and nutrients. You have to search with a furious passion to find bakeries that have anything containing even traces of rye. There’s also a LOT of sugar in some of the

Japan had the best bread? Yeesh. Sure, if all you like is plain white bread! Good luck finding rye, wheat, would think Japanese were scared to death of the stuff.

Pretty stupid. Just why ?

Not an expert but little guy insults big guy, big guy asks for clarification, little guy provides more information on further action. Big guy processes information and suggests an alternative action. Bystanders intervene. A story as old as time.