
Banhammers of offenders. OR, simply put a time or amount limit on XP earned from Custom Games. i.e. you stop earning from the same custom match after X times or Y amount of time. Or similarly, after X time or amount playing Custom Games you stop earning from Custom Games until the next day or until you’ve played Y

Screw Prime. I don’t buy enough from Amazon to make it nearly worth it. And, aside from the old “Amazon free Android App of the Day,” / “Amazon Underground” app, I don’t want or need Amazon’s other services, like Kindle, Amazon Video, et al. So....nope, nope, nope, nope, nope.

Screw Prime. I don’t buy enough from Amazon to make it nearly worth it. And, aside from the old “Amazon free Android

Am I the only one that doesn’t really care about most of the glitches that are shown on the highlight reel? Give me more highlights! Crazy kills, ridiculously lucky shots, etc.

Well if it helps most Wii U games had a nice looking in-game manual

well we don’t even need an actual manual, just print on the back of the cover, considering the case is transparent.

The gaming gods say no. You will buy your physical content sans accoutrements. Don’t like it? Well, for $20-$60 more they will gladly charge you for cheap trinkets, and maybe a map that would have been packed in with a manual containing lore and concept art. At least Bethesda and R* still give us maps in the standard

Nintendo probably realizes making them smaller would associate them with the handheld market, and as they are aggressively positioning the Switch as a home console, they probably opted to keep them bigger in line with home-console game boxes.

oh man, yeah.
As much as I love having cool art and such, it’d be cool if they put a rudimentary old-school manual on the back of the cover inlay

Any chance you can talk about whether the Switch has Bluetooth capability? It might be a minor thing, but going back to wired headphones after the VITA would be a bummer.

Said less dickishly, “Here is a different opinion.”

The grind/microtransaction ratio for this game and it’s base price is absurd. That’s my one complaint though. I’ve looked past it a bit since I’m in the middle of playing the story mode and am very much enjoying it.

Don’t forget the season pass, it has one of those too. 🙄😤

I just can’t justify $60 for a game that beats you in the face with microtransactions and doesn’t have dedicated servers... what a shame.

Thank god for jim.
praise be RNGesus.

And Jim Sterling did cry tears of joy on this day.

Half Life 3 episodes 1 and 2 and 3 confirmed.

Yay more one sided propaganda from Kotaku

Why don’t any of these new streaming services undercut the others on price? Who decided on this arbitrary price point of $9.99/month? Where’s the incentive to switch from a different streaming service?