
“Racism, sexism, and harassment” literally exists everywhere. What it specifically has to do with video games, i have no idea.

Why are you objectifying women

Love how we pick and choose when it’s OK to objectify people. For sex appeal, boo sexist you men are pigs. For strength appeal, oh wow look at her cheer cheer! Either way youre making the female body the center of the attention. Just sayin.

Translation: please buy more things so gawker can make more money!

Translation: please buy more things so gawker can make more money!

I don’t buy that at all. There are plenty of horrible games that get talked about a lot and don’t get nominated let alone win. Theres a reason the Razzies exist.

They were, but I see your side. See how disagreeing works? See how voting in these award shows work? Your game or movie didn’t win and now all of a sudden the award show is arbitrary. K fam

Disagreed. The Oscar’s are usually right on, at least in their nominations. New writers and directors win all the time, indicating that those who win don’t merely because they’re already in bed with the elites. Also, the movies are just plain good.

I love how she makes the headline suggest there is something up, and justified with “viewers are questioning...”

People existed and freely traded in BC times e.g. Mecca marketplace and so long as the producing and selling came from private people (which it did), then yes, capitalism existed.

Exactly. Government hasn’t done its job under right nor left administration yet all people can do is blame the corporations. Yes they’re evil fuckwad but they’re simply playing a game whose rules are dictated and (supposed to be) enforced by government. Start with the latter.

Gasp you mean if I have $10 I’d have more money left over if I gave you $2 rather than $6? Shocking revelation dude. 

Another distorted misuse of the term. Capitalism is trade, pure and simple. The first farmer to trade his beans with the shoe maker was engaging in capitalism, and is a smart move. Why should either of them waste resources by inefficiently making their own? just acknowledged that what she is doing is sexual. You realize that right? 

Rando internet comments are seriously something youre looking forward to? W/e floats your boat. 

Cargo shorts and golf shirts? Pretty sexist of you to assume I follow these stereotypes just becsuse I'm a male. 

Soo a pornstar who is being "the best version of herself" is all of a sudden not engaging in porn but some self-enlightening and empowering activity? Get real. You know why you bring in views. Stop being so damn coy. It's sexual, get over it. 

All this hate, they must be good! 

Wondering why only Cortez's name is in the headline when she's only a listed as one of the supporters. Oh right because minority female. 

I agree, just pointing out that damn Kotaku has been laying on the editorializing a bit thick

This article was written by a little bitch.