Kirk Longuski

Ugh. Must we keep doing this?

So every porn video is exactly the same? They all feature women that look identical in exactly the same state of undress doing the exact same acts? Of course not. You’re making my argument for me. The variety of porn on the internet is extremely diverse because what turns men (and women and intersex individuals) on is

Yes. Women wear clothing that they think is best for them. Whatever that means. Evolution has nothing to do with it. And for all your armchair sociology and psychology, your viewpoint is seriously backwards. Again, what’s “obviously sexually alluring” varies wildly across cultures and time periods and by individual.

That’s so dumb. When I walk down the street and see a woman with a nice ass in a pair of yoga pants, I think, “Damn... she fine.” I, like most people, do not think to myself, “Oh no, my sack is tingling. This will lead to a testosterone increase and inevitable, uncontrollable, aggressive behavior! Can’t blame me for

See... Here’s where you’ve got it wrong. You keep acting like women’s clothing choices are about you. They’re not. The attractive woman you saw in Trader Joe’s wasn’t dressed the way she was dressed to “play” you. I’ll grant you that women can at times dress a certain way hoping to appeal to men in general. Just like

Nah, they are going to railroad them in to quasi-religious, tax-payer funded, rehab work camps.

People internalize all sorts of crap when it’s all they know, or when they don’t realize how insidious things that seem ‘small’ can get. Have a conversation with her and yeah, she’d probably have more nuance to whatever she actually thinks. Or she’d see why she could phrase something another way that isn’t gross. That

She knows how to blame victims, apparently.

Hannibal is a masterpiece and your opinion is dumb and wrong.

She really should have written Christian’s internal monologues in the dialect of Calla Bryn Sturgis.

“My cock approves big-big”

“I love the iPad, tell god Thank-ya and the man Jesus too”.

That wouldn’t be any fun. Besides, real battles involving two armies take place on the battlefield. It’s not guerilla warfare.

I am still waiting for the news media to just start reporting on his racism as if it were actual racism and not just the cranky rantings of an old drunken uncle.

I can’t wait for the threads touting those series, so I can swoop in and talk about how uninteresting they are to me.

We’ve spent a boatload, relatively speaking, on giving the people who can already afford yachts vastly more money, and very little else (except war). So “boatload” is correct, in a way, but not apt to what you’re describing.

They get it, it’s just that some are being obtuse for the sake of being obtuse, and others don’t want to talk about anything negative regarding gentrification because they benefit from it. It’s interesting seeing the responses here compared to the root, which is mostly black with a smattering of latinos. We understand

“In the US, is it the case that only black and brown people are being hurt by gentrification? Are there no poor white people, and if there are, how are they immune to increased rents and house prices?” Not that you were making this argument, but this is a primary anti-liberal argument in America at the moment: that

No, there are poor white people whose neighborhoods are being affected by gentrification.

Damn can’t believe they’re violating her 1st Amendment rights like that.

Hip Hip Hooray!

This is the best Healthy Boy Wednesday ever.