
This possibility is roughly as likely as Trump winning the California vote next year. Uber & Lyft have over 100,000 drivers in L.A. County alone. Tesla sold less than 200,000 vehicles last year in the entire U.S. (And let’s be honest: no one else will be producing EVs at a non-batshit-crazy price point until well into

It will force Uber/Lyft into owning the capital stock, hiring drivers, and becoming a conventional government partnered taxi company.

I agree, but how many vehicles circulating on the street aimlessly are rideshare drivers waiting to get a ride?

I’d go even further: it walks back most of the plot of “The Force Awakens” and “The Last Jedi.” Why the fuck was Luke positioned as the last Jedi - and thus the only person who could save the galaxy - if Leia was a “closeted” Jedi master the entire time? And why did Rey need to find and train with him if Leia knew

“Hi, BMW? Yeah, I just found y’all a new chief designer. No, not Bangle, you dummkopfs! No, I don’t think he’s an engineer, but considering he slapped together a better-looking ride than your ugly-ass Concept 4 in roughly 22 minutes, I encourage you to hire him yesterday. Oh, and y’all may as well go ahead and fire

Has any nation offered up as many place names repurposed as auto appellations as has Spain? Think about it, in addition to the Granada, we’ve had the Versailles, Seville, Cordoba, Málaga, and Cádiz. That’s a lot of cities turned into cars.

I realize it’s not technically out yet (but will be within three months), plus it generates a hair under 500 hp, but how on earth could you leave out the C8 Vette? (which, of course, handily outperforms every car listed here, with the possible exception of the 3x-as-pricey NSX)

In 10 years the NSX will be more valuable than either the mustang or X4 and is probably more fun to drive.

I seriously doubt the One-77 will sell for an amount even remotely within range of mere plebeians - it went for $1.87 million new, after all - but the ‘97 F355 Berlinetta being sold without reserve as well is another story. It’s also likely to appreciate: despite newer models being plainly superior from a

Sometimes I wonder if there’s anything Uber could do that wouldn’t prompt schadenfreude-laden snark from the tech media. Find a cure for cancer? Open a shelter for abandoned kittens? Anyhoo, these two parts contain errors:

Slightly OT, but why exactly do you think Lyft drivers should be paid for downtime? While I realize NYC and the state of California are trying (and mostly failing, but that’s a much longer story) to arrange it otherwise, rideshare driving is a for-hire occupation, and believe it or not, the closest analogy to it

Also, since the car is not yours, you can’t do the IRS mileage deduction, so you’re going to be mega fucked when you go to file your taxes.

Unless things have changed places like Hertz, enterpize, and Avis didn’t rent to under 25. They would let them act as secondary drivers, but there was a surcharge.

Why does it always take at least 30 minutes to complete the paperwork to rent a car? Perhaps this is how Lyft hopes to disrupt the process.

Lyft currently [sic] the Volkswagen Atlas and Passat in San Fransisco [sic] and Oakland.

This space has already been “disrupted” by Silvercar

I’m not entirely sure why this counts as news, given that hundreds of lawsuits have been filed against Lyft & Uber over the past five years claiming their drivers are misclassified - and the number of times the plaintiffs have prevailed is zero. It also misstates several legalities:

Totally accurate. Same story in Laos, if memory serves. I was in Cambodia and Laos two years ago and plainly noticed that older Toyotas and Lexuses were ubiquitous. At one point I noticed one of them still had not only an American dealer badge on the back, but one from a dealership in my area!

Google will be in direct competition with Uber & Lyft as soon as it launches its Waymo ride-hail service commercially. Maybe both of them are assuming Google will cut them off from using Maps?