
Also of note is that the medallion business has turned into an albatross for many drivers in NYC due precisely to Uber/Lyft, leading to many suicides and bankruptcies. Medallions used to be lucrative money ventures, now they’re money pits.

Still, there’s a fundamental irony to the I’m Independent Coalition, Uber, and Lyft compensating drivers to protest AB5 in ways they don’t when they drive for the ridehail companies. For example, driver regularly sit idly during the work day waiting for their next fare, time for which they are not paid, yet the I’m

Is it pointing out the obvious to note that these outages have been disproportionately affecting social media sites? Is it also pointing out the obvious that this suggests the outages could very well be the handiwork of hacktivists or state-sponsored actors working on behalf of nations the U.S. has alienated, with

People were doing fine without Uber and Lyft. They will be fine after Uber and Lyft are finally paying their employees their fair share.

The slang term for this headline is “counting your chickens before they’re hatched.” The ginormous problem with AB5 - which remains stunningly under-scrutinized by the media - is that it would reclassify nearly all independent contractors in California as employees, whether they like it or not. That’s a total of at lea

BMW is doing it wrong. (Okay, BMW’s been doing it wrong since around 2003, but in a different way.)

Every single element of this vehicle makes me want to claw out my insides, but it’s still better looking than any X6, most Bangle-era Bimmers, and the horror show on wheels that is the X7.

The problem with this “study” is essentially the same as the one conducted a year or two ago by Stanford and MIT that drew its sample of ride-hail drivers entirely from The Rideshare Guy blog: yes, you might get a numerically valid number of answers, but that isn’t the same thing as a statistically valid answer, given

I can’t read the Globe article because it’s behind a paywall, but I do know a) it doesn’t count as “price gouging” unless a state of emergency has been declared by a state’s governor (which I say as a lawyer btw); and b) Uber & Lyft have unintentionally charged surge fares during actual emergencies solely because they

No, it’s accurate. I’ll hazard a guess you’re confusing it with rules for “common carriers,” but only some types of private transport qualify as such. For-hire ground transportation providers - including taxis, limos & Uber/Lyft - are exempt. And while I thought I made this point clear in my earlier post, note that I

1. Both Lyft and Uber have been claiming they’re “not in the transportation business” for the better part of five years. To the best of my knowledge - and I’ve read dozens of court rulings on the topic - not one judge has ever agreed with this assertion. (OTOH this isn’t anything new and different, and has been fairly

I completely agree the world badly needs AVs, and know how many millions of people have died over the past decade in the U.S. alone as a result of entirely preventable auto collisions caused by driver error.

[A]n end to the contractor model that strips drivers of basic employee rights

I think a number of answers here can be provided by Natasha’s hair, which is red in most scenes but blonde (as it was in “Infinity War”) only in the one quick scene at the end with Thor and Captain Marvel. Unless it’s a red herring, which I doubt, that implies the latter arrives on Earth immediately after the end of

Why are you assuming they’re on Earth? Thor and Captain Marvel are gone as well, plus none of the three are seen in any of the other scenes set on Earth. I’m assuming the scene with them takes place early in the movie, which occurs several years before the end - and if you doubt that scenario, look no further than

Uber is a company that dictates how a large number of car owners pick up passengers, where they take them, how they take them there, the condition of the vehicle those people get put in, and the pay they earn, but it does not consider those drivers to be its employees.

This is - ugh - fake news. Per Michael Avenatti’s Twitter:

Wait a decade and you’ll be able to find the AMG for 75% less than its original MSRP. (As has been true for basically all AMGs made, well, ever.) And considering one can handily find a mid-2000s Aston Martin for under $50K, I wouldn’t bet on the Vanquish, either.

The legendary 2JZ, the uniquely driver-focused interior, the clean lines paired with a massive wing - it’s the pinnacle of “awesome 1990's Japanese sports car”.

It’s rare and special to a whole generation of people.