
You’re not a fucking millennial. You’re gen Y goddammit. Born in 1985. I am NOT a fucking millennial and will stab anyone who calls me such.

Nothing good made in the mid-2000s? Allow me to introduce you to the E46 3-series. (And while it’s slightly pricier and older, an E39 M5 could be had for well under six figures new.)

Probably dating myself slightly, but my dad bought one of these when I was in college - to replace the 300ZX (twin turbo, obviously) he’d bought when I was in high school. This may come as a surprise, but neither of us particularly liked the Supra, and we both thought the 300ZX was a better car in nearly every way,

This is for a perfect condition stock car with no miles, this is a one out of 1000 car.”

Just to briefly comment on a separate part here:

Just to offer the flip side of the coin, as someone with extensive expertise in both labor law and mandatory arbitration clauses of all types: the main reason the clauses have become commonplace in recent years is because the vast majority of employee claims against any given company are meritless - or, rather, the

Forced arbitration isn’t something that would be reasonably added to a 10-K, barring the exceptionally unlikely possibility that a huge percentage of Googlers are willing to put their money where their mouth is and actually quit if Alphabet refuses to end the policy entirely. Put simply, it’s not likely to have a

Until an unfavorable U.S. Supreme Court ruling earlier this year, independent contractors often joined class-action lawsuits anyway, arguing (sometimes successfully) that they ought to have been classified as employees from the get-go.

...except Fi only charges for the data you actually *use*, so if you do all of your surfing over wifi—and note that Fi phones auto-connect to tens of thousands of wifi networks—your bill would be $20/month for your main line and $15 for every other.

Possibly because a) it subleases bandwidth from Verizon, which throttles data speeds of third-party companies using its network at 3G levels; b) even at reduced speeds, you can’t tether a laptop to its data connection; and c) it lacks even basic functionality like caller ID?

Yeezys have been in trouble for quite a while now - but, then, so has Adidas in general. Introducing a colorway that resembles green-neon-crusted shit didn’t help, but even their less hideous drops haven’t fared well (e.g. the all-white 350s that debuted last month - white-fabric sneakers are just perfect for fall &

This sucks - and I say that having watched all of the Marvel Netflix series. Yes, the first season was terrible and aimless. The second was neither, and if anything it was better than the most recent seasons of “Luke Cage” and “Jessica Jones” — both of which, somewhat ironically, had the same problems with boring

In terms of dollar amounts, Chase found that transportation gig workers’ monthly earnings decreased from $1,535 on average to just $762, as of March of this year.

Only twelve of these cars were made, like, ever.

Just read the list in full. And it’s full of shite. Even if you limit a discussion of its flaws to only one movie, “Captain America: Civil War,and exclude all the hundreds (thousands? hundreds of thousands?) of unseen collateral deaths throughout the entire MCU:

You have to remind yourself that she doesn’t have any powers of her own

Am I the only one wondering how he finagled a three-character Twitter handle? You need to be a legit Silicon Valley OG for that kind of shit, at least if you’re not a celebrity with a verified account.

“That’s how most people in large cities commute, you should check it out.”

“I drove for years while I was in college, and wrote a weekly newspaper column about it for that entire time. I am familiar with how the cab industry works, thanks.”

I-35 runs through nearly the entire length of Texas, including Austin (where I live). Since our weather is roughly on par with Southern California’s, we get freezing precipitation once in a blue moon, and actual accumulations of snow about once a decade. (Bizarrely, we’ve gotten it twice in the past two months, all