I get it if a lot of quality issues crop up - but a lot of these complaints are things like “accelerates poorly,” “cannot adjust seats properly,” “doesn’t have any power,” “entry/exit very uncomfortable.”
I get it if a lot of quality issues crop up - but a lot of these complaints are things like “accelerates poorly,” “cannot adjust seats properly,” “doesn’t have any power,” “entry/exit very uncomfortable.”
I like how much credit you give her. she is kind of a douche and has a gazillion dollars yet keeps making shitty high-profile movies that pay her another gazillion dollars. I’m sure that after reading the horrible script her only comment was “I’ll do it for 20 million”.
Between this and Jennifer Lawrence’s blatant desecration of a sacred Hawaiian space during filming, yeah fuck this movie.
This one made me literally laugh out loud.
Thanks Bobby, I am more than happy not to see Passengers.
If he doesn’t clean up his act soon, he’s flirting with a multi-game suspension.
In 2002 I was driving towards Key Largo with my wife when a man had a stroke, left the roadway, then hit a boulder that launched his car 25 feet in the air. It inverted and landed on its top 150 feet later into an empty field. I watched it all unfold and ran to check on him. He was lying on his back on the inverted…
Uber: “Tell her that her account was hacked.”
*Looks up the average cost per record of a data breach*
Uber: “Glitch! It was a glitch. Totally not hacked. Nope. No hacking here.”
Counterpoint: 24K Magic is good.
Actually it doesn’t sound like that bad of an idea to me. And after people go to a game, they can stop at Ice Town on the way home.
As heart-melting as this is, did anyone else have a moment where they were completely taken out of it by the grandfather leaning against a car that (to his knowledge) wasn’t his?
It’s a little thing, but it bothered the heck out of me.
It pains me that he put his hand on the hood to get a picture with it. At that point he didn’t know it was his yet
Note to my children: No, you don’t have to find a yellow 1973 Vega hatchback for me. Don’t worry.
People need to stop with this shit. My dad is going to start expecting my brother and I to restore some old Bronco and it ain’t happening.
“Get that free agent contract ready and make sure it’s the one w/the Uber addendum.”
How soon can the Patriots sign him?
I wonder if that’s a regional thing, I’ve never been to a JJ’s that scoops the bread out but this is the third comment I’ve read about that.
Sure they’re close, but if this investigation isn’t dropped one of them could find themselves pushed in front of a moving train, and it’s not going to be Rooney.
Bull(Bear?)shit! They always hide behind a fence, like any good hobo hiding under your porch.