
Man, you’re profiting from this tragedy, aren’t you?

That’s not the biggest cow in Western Australia.

Full fucking blood and gore when Badger and Ratty cudgel the ever-loving shit out of them in Toad Hall. 

“You’re a pedo.”

“Kids call it ‘unsweetened donut’. It’s neo-dissociative from the dark web. Grab student in Queens took a hit, they found her naked, crawlin’ on the Brooklyn bridge, screamin’ she was lookin’ for the purple divin’ board.”


It’s November. Shouldn’t she be back at the Christmas tree farm, filing out the gullets on the Husqvarna?

Cyclone Cheese-Wedge with pipe welded in for a haft. Bone-shakin’ goodness.

I do not think I have ever read a finer article title in all the Kinjaverse.

Oh thank the great good lord. It was just such a painfully...American thing to do.

Showing The Big Lebowski is how I explain male friendships to women, because Walter & The Dude’s relationship nails it.

He is the GOT-DANG pater familias!

Would that it waAAAAAhr so sayimple.

“A-ha-ha- we’re all...very fond of Bunny. Very...ahaha very free-spirited.”

I remember from working in retail we had a saying:

Grown-arse adults exploiting the attention and interests of children purely for their own narcissistic self-gratification. 

Except acting requires skill and talent.

Who Framed was more shoe-melting than face-melting.

Him mooning the surveillance camera George Segal puts on him, then the cut to the shot of George putting on sunglasses as he watches the monitor was classic.

I think it should be done like this - at least I hope it’s done like this.